Forget It Jake, It's Goblintown

Undermine is a masterpiece.

First off it adds a new genre to the setting that still feels appropriately Warcraftian. It ought to it was on the first map Metzen ever drew of Azeroth. The jazz soundtrack playing over the urban sprawl is something completely different from anything we’ve seen before while feeling like it’s supposed to have been here the whole time.

The content also does mechanical world building wonderfully. The D.R.I.V.E system hasn’t thrilled me the same way dragon riding did but speeding through this petropunk paradise with wanton disregard for the safety of yourself and others is extraordinarily appropriate.

And the quests do an excellent job of fleshing out the world. From overthrowing a sleezebag slumlord to staging an Ocean’s 11 style heist to playing rounds of grenade golf you’ll get a sense for how things operate in the Undermine. It’s a rough city but one with a lot of rewards for the ruthless, relentless or just dumb lucky.

They also did a great job of fleshing out the goblins while not ruining their vibe. The sort of cutthroat capitalism that would make cartel enforcers blush is still the order of the day. But the characters come off as people with moral compasses who aren’t complete greedy bastards.

This is the best done racial capitol since Boralus and Dazar’Alor. A great addition to the setting I imagine I’ll enjoy revisiting long after it’s ceased to become a hub of current content.


I think, by turning to neglected races, Blizzard has a done a much better job than giving us the same old tired Human and Night Elf junk.


A+ music choice on this one.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I gotta take care of some more jaggoff slumlords before hitting Jewels, Im running low on giardiniera


Stormwind and Stromgarde gets the same Architecture and is boring while Kul Tiras, Hallowfall and Gilneas get interesting Architecture and are interesting bearing vast lore!

Undermine gives us the wonder of Goblins.

Each Zone has a wealth of wonder and Lore in it that Stormwind and Stromgarde do not have.

I made a doughnut. I was a very happy elf.

It’s kind of funny that the most boring capitol is the one that’s had the most love and work put into it.

At least one of the Orgrimmar revamps gave me the troll alley to loiter in.

But yeah, I am genuinely having a blast with this.

Goblins are the absolute worst and my goodness, I adore that about them. Everything is fun and glitzy and sparkly and also absolutely horrible under the gilt and I love it.

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