Forget about master loot, lets unite and focus under removing trade restrictions

I think the best compromise would be to raise the limit.

Instead of being unable to trade upgrades at all, make it so you can trade something that’s 5 or less item levels higher.

But this would gear players faster, and Blizzard won’t ever let that happen, so…


With this current system, I can’t give my friend something that’s a 30 ilvl upgrade for them because it’s a 3 ilvl upgrade for me. This would rock.



Heck yeah, remove the ilvl trade lockout.


The limit was placed to stop/slow boosting.


Yes omg. Had got a 213 cloak during a guild run back when I was on Alliance. Couldn’t do anything with it because legendary slot was 210 at the time (we couldn’t craft higher at the time).

Felt so bad…

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This persons post kind of puts it into perspective. You wont get a change, but do you feel better posting asking for one?

Sorry but no. At least, not for me.

This is fuel for more dissatisfaction, with someone coveting something about me.


This don’t let them see this post.
Boosting imo is a cancer that has grown out of control

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Are you saying this doesn’t happen? Well,I’ll say it is ridiculous to think it does happen .It sure does,“Hold the raid we did to have this guy give this ring to our guild priest or we’ll kick him”


if an individual disagrees that strongly with the majority then I believe the problem isnt the loot

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Well,it did happen so it’s not an individual view of the problem when in a group.


This would be nice, but there’d have to be a limit to it. World first guilds would funnel items from classes that function well baseline, or have low scaling, to classes that have very high scaling, and it could get ridiculous. Granted, it would be interesting to see the balance ramifications in a world first race with something like this…

Now we’ve come full circle by not only severely restricting loot flow and options by forcing Personal Loot, but also gutting even that, so that nobody gets anything and it’s more of a grind than ever.

But since PL is the example here, it’s going to make the situations of players begging or berating others to give up their drops that “[they] don’t need” to others even worse, since the margin would be bigger. I don’t see anything wrong with the idea in the interest of passing stuff on to others where it wouldn’t help you… if the community is okay with it, but it’s something to consider.

No-one in a world first guild actually cares about loot to the degree that they would have an issue with this.

Just say no.

Short of someone somehow getting your account details and forcing you to trade, there’s literally nothing stopping you from not giving up loot if you don’t want to.


No, you’re just asking for Master Looter with extra steps.


It would happen routinely in many different situations.


I think giving up masterloot is already a big enough compromise

Why, what is the point of keeping this restriction? If a ring drops and it is 30 item levels higher than mine, there is still a chance it is not an upgrade.

I don’t think this would impact gearing speed at all. Those scenarios are not common enough.

How? Boosters usually are pretty well geared.

Even if it happened, its not even a bad thing. If raid leaders start being a holes just tell them to f off and go away. If you chose to give your item away in order to stay with them its your call to make.

If you make a bad decision you will at least learn and avoid doing it in the future. Protecting the players with bubble wrap to keep them from hurting themselves is just a ridiculous idea to me.

Who cares? I don’t think even they care…

More than it already is?

How is removing loot trading restrictions “Master loot with extra steps”?

It certainly would and there is nothing wrong with this. A player can only be hurt by this if he chooses to.


That’s why I said stop/slow.

It basically stops an entire guild from rolling a BUNCH of alts to feed all that gear to one dude for the sake of getting them to the main team.

Blizzard: “We don’t make game decisions around the 1%”

proceeds to make every ridiculous decision imaginable to thwart the 1% while severely hurting everyone else in the process


For raiding, maybe. But what about Mythic+?

Look, your idea is great. I’m a fan of it. I want it to happen. But without a few limitations to it, it won’t have any chance of being integrated.

So if they are skilled enough to get a bunch of undergeared alts and funnel loot to their team mates… so what?

The gear from the end of the dungeon is not even relevant for anything. M+ is very focused on the weekly chest.

Ok explain to me the worst case scenario.

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