Forest Lord's Antlers not in transmog collection?

Completed the achievement Treasures of the Emerald Dream , haven’t recieved the helmet transmog?


Same. I completed the achievement but received nothing. No transmog


Same. I looked in my achievements and I see that it now comes from another achievement “Dream On”


Ah that may be it, I’m reading the wowhead comments and it’s saying you don’t actually get it from the treasure achievement, even though it says it drops from the treasure achievement.

Edit: What’s weird abut that is that I’ve seen multiple people with the antlers, and the achievement dream on requires you to complete the storyline, which is not out yet?


That’s super lame if Blizzard changed it, it was dropping from this treasure achievement and a bunch of my friends got it, now it’s no longer there and under some lame achievement that we can’t even complete.


Have they not come out with a blue post or something like that for the change? I got the antlers from the treasure achieve just a few hours after launch. Feels very crummy they changed something like that especially since it is currently impossible till next week.


Nope, seeing a bunch of people with the antlers, while I completed the achievement and can’t get it, as a druid, those antlers are amazing :frowning: .

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It may be a bug, I mean this isn’t the first time Blizz screwed up.

Either way, you’ll get it…eventually.

PS: How you get it if it’s not tied to treasures achievement?

Also I was wrong apparently not till end of the month. It is an achieve called Dream on. You need to complete the full story and I think max renown.

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oh, so it’s a meta achievement. I always wondered why no rewards from a meta achievement. As usual, they screwed up.

Do you have the Balance of Power stuff from legion done yet Sad? If not that would be a good time investment while waiting for story to come out the forms are pretty cool!. Unleashed monstrosities gives the blue bear skin if you don’t have that one either.

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Yea I have all the druid forms from legion, even the mage tower lol.

(God legions story was so good, especially the class hall questline)

Yeah I missed out on the magetower didn’t have a druid on this account till late Antorus. I also sucked at the game at the time so I couldn’t do it even if I wanted too XD. Always wanted them to bring it back but tough luck I guess.

Yea, feel bad when people ask me how to get my ghost kitty or werebear and I have to tell them it’s not in the game anymore, gatekeeping pixels with fomo is weird to me. Bring it back.

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My friends we did it.

Treasures of the Emerald Dream again rewards the Forest Lord’s Antlers.
Developers’ notes: While this was originally intended to be the reward for the Dream On achievement, a bug resulted in it being rewarded by the Treasures of the Emerald Dream achievement, so we’re going to leave it there permanently and look for something else to potentially reward for Dream On.

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