Forcing Normal Raids to get neck piece?

Same crap over and over. So people who do not even raid are forced to do normal raiding otherwise you dont get the neck piece? I mean Retail has turned into a living joke as it is but now they decide you need to normal raid and not LFR to get any type of neck jewelry.

Nice going Blizzard.


imagine having to do stuff in a group in a MMORPG…you do know you can make a group for the achievement and itll fill up fast.


Forcing normal ppl to do Durumu and Dak Animus is cruel.


Honestly. This is the one thing about retail WoW I don’t love. No one wants to be social anymore.

Just social enough to complain on the forums that they have to be social though! :confused:

80% of the time when I say hi in a dungeon group no one responds at all lol. Just makes me sad idk.

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I wouldn’t equate not wanting to make the time investment, which could be 3-4 hours in one play session for some raids, with being anti-social.

Some players simply don’t have the free time to make such a commitment.
And when we do, we tend to do things like go out and see our friends instead of playing video games.

I have had long video game sessions. It’s just that it’s summer and hanging out with my friends when we can is more important.

It’s a big holiday weekend here in the US. I expect I’ll be spending some time in a back yard with a grill, some beer, and a few friends.


Just clear them on a level 10. You can clear all the raid on normal in a couple of hours at low level. Don’t bring anyone over level 40 and it will be easy.

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Normal difficulty is pretty much LFR With the extra steps of forming/joining grps.

If you can’t do that, thats entirely a User error.

“Oh but Grps are only inviting froggers”

Make the grp yourself.

“Oh I dont have time to form a grp”

You expect a reward without any of the work.

Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


just don’t get the neck piece if you don’t intend on raiding why do you need it?

what is everyone talking about? This has nothing to do with being social. Ive been playing since before Cata and have raided normal/heroic/lfr but I don’t believe the game should force people to do normal raiding as opposed to LFR to get a piece of neck jewelry.


I mean, if we wanna get pedantic there’s very little gear you ‘need’ at all to do world content, but it’s still available and getting stronger still feels good regardless of the context.

I might mostly run legacy raids over in DF but I still like improving my gear because it still helps me kill stuff faster. More gear’s always good.

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I don’t know maybe I’m just old school and think MMO normal difficulty raids are not that big of a deal. It is a silly little fun mode so I couldn’t care less if the neck was rewarded from LFR for the record. Just sucks to see so few people want to interact anymore.

I am missing two pieces of jewelry and I can kill everything in world content easily except world bosses and get more powerful every day.

Every version of the Raid should have been in the queue for this event IMO.


It is just them injecting their elitist addenda any way they can. Queuing up for a raid is not raiding according to Ion. So non-raiders do not deserve a neck slot.

Stupid asz neck piece for non raiders is the end of the world. However, the 500 item level gear that was upgraded to due to hyper-spawning… you can keep, you deserve it.


Nah. The only agenda is Blizzard’s nostalgia for how gaming was in 2004. Everything should be queue-able at this point.

yeah…I thought that was pretty lame to get a gear slot filled.
I mean, for GOOD gear, sure…but just to be able to fill the slot?

IMAGINE THINKING ITS OK TO HAVE TO RUN A LIST OF RAIDS TO FILL A BASIC GEAR SLOT :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

no one asked for elite gear son…we asked to just get some filler.


forcing us to run that heroic ‘one shot kill’ trash to get basic slots filled is pathetically lame.
I cant even remember how many one shots we had running one of the scenarios.

Theres an idea…i’ll give that a shot. Ill be the one getting 4 million DPS lmao

The truest thing.

interaction is one thing. having to set aside several continuous hours just to … maybe make some progress towards eventualy, after setting aside more continuous hours and finding new groups each and every time, hoping they make it all the way through - to get a single gear slot filled? is ridiculous. I’m sorry but it is.

that’s not interaction, that’s forced proximity.

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