Forced to give employees poor reviews due to quotas

So, from my brief skimming of the thread, I gathered that if I had 20 excellent, beautiful and outstanding employees I was managing who gave 100%, I would be forced give say 5 of them a low performance review not because they’re actually demonstrating low performance, but because some shmuck (who very likely doesn’t physically work in the industry) went “just because” and go along with it?


Unionize your workplace, comrades. Solidarity! Power in numbers!

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Yep. Its not morally right at all. But they all do it. At least in the capitalist country we call the US. I cant speak for others.

Most people crying about this stuff on social media and game forums are 22year old kids who haven’t spent 1 hour in a corporate environment.

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would never work here. our county is staunchly pro republican and anti union. it’s also filled to the brim with trump supporters. a lot of the businesses in the area are staunchly anti-union as well. had to watch a anti union propaganda piece at work. rolled my eyes the entire way through.

It’s done literally just to prevent hundreds/thousands of employees for qualifying for raises. Regardless of whether they deserve them.

I worked at a big firm on Wall Street that gave seminars to its employees telling them “it’s not the quality of your work, it’s who you know”.

Most big companies do it and it’s toxic af.


Yup. And it’s also very likely you won’t be allowed give any of them the top score either ‘because no one is perfect and everyone has room to improve’.*

*We can pay people less than they’re worth if we keep the review scores lower.

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This is now being covered by Tali and Rhykker. More to follow I’m sure.

Is ActiBlizz going to address this? The people putting this stack ranking policy in place are either ethically evil or massive idiots. There is no room for any other conclusion.

It is extremely easy to see how this policy only exists to screw your employees over. It motivates them through an implicit threat. It is disgusting behavior and it is harming this game.

I would rather wait years between xpacs and months between patches than have this system exist alongside crunch. But even more so I would rather that the employees who poured their heart and soul into crunching to get the game out for us be paid and rewarded properly.

Your employees are not all replaceable. You are losing people who built the very foundation of this game, and you are screwing it up for everyone in the name of short term profits. You are steering your ship into rocks just to scrape up the barnacles.

If this behavior continues it will continue reflecting in ways such as MAU’s and subscription numbers. And that is the only language that the monsters at the top understand: financial force.

Stop rewarding these people. Don’t give them your money. If you decide you must play WoW then at least don’t buy their other games, and avoid everything on the Blizz Store. They won’t stop until we force them to stop.

I wouldn’t be so sure. Millennials are the first generation that are leaning more left as they get older. Once Gen Z and Gen Alpha reach voting age, there may be hope yet.

People are finally figuring out that capitalism doesn’t work and it’s anti-democratic, and I’m here for it!

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Right? I’m sure the Nutzi’s said the same thing. Well everyone was doing it???

He was the lead for Classic WoW. He wasn’t working on retail.

In 2023, we have giant multibillion dollar corporations that needs to have incompetent employees in order to fill their bad employee quota.

What?? xD

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This runs deeper than a lot of people care to admit.

I wonder if people will realize that working honest and hard will get you nowhere.

I had this realization once and nearly killed me. Companies suck

We can’t have the workers compensated more equitably for all the work they do to increase in profits now can we

better to let all the profits ge hoarded by the 1%

can’t have employees seize the means of production

I surely jest but this stuff is too goofy for me to handle.

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im talking my particular COUNTY not the COUNTRY.

Working in general has always been stupid to me. Doesn’t matter where you work. It is all for the basic principal of being able to pay bills. I do not work for any other reason.

But I feel like putting my money on the line, and quitting my job because of something, regardless of what the reason is, or how immoral it might be for the decision, that isn’t exactly the smartest move either. Hopefully the dude found another job already.

There are 2 main things that bug me about working. One is just people in general. Customers. Co workers. Bosses. People tend to stir up uneccesary drama. Good lore do I absolutely hate anyone who stirs up drama of any kind. Like I don’t care what the drama is. Whether it be work related drama, or whether your girlfriend was messin around. People who do that should have been aborted.

We can talk about video games and all that all day, among other things. But to heck with everything else. The other thing I do not like is how many automated systems, and just in general, the systems that go along with working are so annoying to deal with to. You gotta remember a billion different usernames, passwords, upper case, lower case. Like come on man. When I have to whip out my phone or computer every time I want to do anything now, it just bugs me. Something stupid always happens.

I mean, good for the people who understand that stuff, but why should I be forced to deal with it. Applications used to be so much simpler to fill out to. Everything back in the day used to be simpler. Now, it is all needlessly complicated.

I mean, with working, it is exactly what is expected. All the bullcorn. And it only gets worse the higer you get in management. And you have to fight for it pretty hardcore. And I feel like just giving up is the worst thing you can do. Especially if your reputation isn’t the best. Or you are not a part of the clique or whatever it is. It’s always something.

I mean, that is what you sign up for when you start working. It is nothing but headaches. All the tech stuff. All the systems. The nepitism. The drama. The stupid people. America used to be way better if you ask me, but working has always sucked.

I feel like in general, all the things I mentioned, go along with working. Alot of it is unfair and annoying. What can we do about it. I have no Idea. I just know how working works. I wouldn’t be able to deal with it to save my life though. But I mean, if you cannot take the heat, you probably shouldn’t be in the kitchen to begin with. You have to be a really terrible person to begin with to be in power in the first place. I know when I am working and I see my managers and people in power, I am thinking, these people have probably hurt some people in their lives. Or broken some rules here and there. That is the only way to get first place. Otherwise you will always go second place or below. Until you start breaking rules alot and hurting folks.

Now should we conform to this stuff. I only comform because I have to. I kind of need money. Is there a way we can abolish all this bullcorn. I doubt it. My favorite is I get these survey thingies, I fill them out, and like a year later, still the same old bullcorn lol. My last job kept asking me about what might make me stay longer or whatever, and one of the options was getting paid more. Well, Everyone I knew was putting that as a response. Did it change? Of course not. So why have all those stupid surveys if they don’t mean anything.

I am also sick of all the inclusivity woke nonsense and diversity reports every company in america does now to. Like that stuff is so stupid. Yes, I get it. Everyone wants to be included. But some people do not deserve to be included because they are annoying. All that matters at work is that you can show up on time, and you can do your job. Nothing else matters beyond that. These companies really do not care about being inclusive at all. Marketing just tells them that they will make more money because of it in the long run. All anyone ever seems to care about is money. Not inclusivity. Not treating people normal, or paying people well at what they deserve to be paid. Nothing morale whatsoever.

I also find it funny whenever prices go up constantly. The people that make those decisions do that on purpose. Because they know people will still pay for it on average. Like I can easily see my condo I purchased a couple years ago being like 4 million dollars in 15 years. And a gallon of milk will cost like 15 dollars per gallon in a few years. Prices of stuff in general is way to high as it is if you ask me. The economy is so broken at this point. I think people will eventually figure out that, enough is enough, and to much is to much. But I don’t see it happening soon.

My whole point of my comment here is that, life isn’t fair. The higher you go in the actual working world, unless you are a kardashian or something of that nature, or a celeb or something like that, it is always going to be unfair. This increases accordingly the higher up you go in power. It especially sucks when you are in the middle. I will just say that right now. Being in the middle in terms of power, is the worst. Hence why I will never get there. I don’t want it that badly.

Now, I don’t know how high up this guy is on the corporate ladder, but he seems pretty important. But I guess He cannot handle a situation that isn’t fair or immorale. Like you have to be a pretty scummy immorale person to make it in the business management corporate world folks.

:skull_and_crossbones::joy: performance assessment incoming…

Wish more of my fellow Gen Xers had their backs. A lot do, but it looks like we’re starting to trend right with age too. At least X was a tiny generation and both Milliennials and Gen Z each outnumber us on their own. So, even if we wind up sucking and going right at the same rate as previous generations we’ll still have less ability to keep things terrible.

Just sad and so obvious watching them desperately trying to change what Alpha are taught (or more importantly not taught) in schools here in the US. They’re trying so hard to bring up a new generation of hate. Just hoping it’s too late.

I’m sorry for triple posting earlier, intriednto edit my other post but my phone’s been acting dum lately

I still think it’s funny how Blizzard had to have more bad PR because their employees weren’t bad enough

I think it is more along the lines of, at least to me, that capitalism and the internet, has just enabled alot of stuff.

Mainly looking at how greedy most american corporations seem to be now. Like it truly does seem there is like, no standard of morales or really anything else. It is all about money.

I will use tik tok as an example. It is kind of strange to me, how much bullcorn there is on that platform alone. Ranging from downright terrible, to really good, to somewhere in between. Yet the terrible stuff, is kept up for some reason, even though alot of it, actually breaks the law in alot of places. Look up touching people on escalators. Yes, that is a thing. And they get a plethora of views to. Yet these companies keep that stuff up, even though it should so obviously be deleted off the face of the planet.

Never forget that one kid to. He goes into places with an oculus headset on just to get into altercations with folks. All for the sake of money and views. And of course, nothing can really stop him from doing it. Tik tok doesn’t just blacklist this kid.

It is all about the influence vs. the influencer. The internet has just removed the barrier to entry to be a downright con artist these days. It doesn’t matter how terrible your content is or how stupid it is, or how many rules it is breaking. If it gets a billion views. Keep that stuff up.

Back in the 90’s for example, and the mid 2000’s, anything you could possibly think about purchasing, the quality was guaranteed to be top quality. Best thing ever. Now, it always has a extreme range. You actually have to go out of your way to find quality stuff now, which is sad. Used to be everything had quality.

It is all about money. Big companies have shown, at least to me, that they only really care about money at the end of the day. It just wasn’t so easy for them to release bullcorn back in the day, slap a sticker on it, call it art even though it isn’t, and have people pay money for it. That is the issue I see with modern capitalism. It is combined with the internet. A gaping void where people just do and say whatever they want with little repercussions.

Like man does the music industry suck now. Used to be every album was actually good. Now everyone only talks about the next big thing, even if it is downright terrible.

Not exactly sure what could be done about it either. We were better off without the internet. These corporations have always been terrible. But at least they had to make money with quality products. Now the products and the general politics in america are questionable to say the least. You couldn’t just spout nonsense and get known in 2 seconds.

Like there was legit a dude who made a go fund me to help him make potatoe salad for the first time. Call me crazy, but that just seems like the dumbest thing ever to make crowd funded. People actually came to his house to. Am I the only one who sees the internet as a mistake. But we would irritate everyone if we took it away.

The internet combined with capitalism has just enabled folks to make money and a name for themselves without really having to do anything really. No quality whatsoever. And those that do put in quality products, are almost never talked about in the mainstream. It is always the terrible products. The terrible videos. The terrible music. Etc. Kind of frustrating. Most companies have always been bad, but at least we didn’t know. Just another company we buy stuff from.

To say the least, we have some corrupt politicians in america. Whatever makes more money, is really the only thing that matters. Nothing else. Doesn’t matter how good or how bad it is in quality. We need to stop enabling everyone’s bullcorn.

You’d be welcomed in the antiwork community.

The number of times my brain reads those words as the same…