Forced into Aug spec in battleground blitz

Everytime i do Battleground blitz it changes me to Aug spec everytime. Anyone else have this issue???

You are probably lying cueing up as that role and it’s switching you accordingly.

IME It puts you in game with the spec you had when you cued up.

Lying? Lol okay. Only happening when i do bg blitz but not normal bgs. Was a simple question to see if others are having the same issue as me no need to troll

Yes i understand that. I cued up as devistation and it put me in as Aug. I never play aug so thats why im confused. I literally had to set upvmy talents before the match started lol

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I could be wrong, but I think that was a typo and he meant to say you are probably leveling up as that role and it’s switching you accordingly, since you posted on a lv 75 warr he probably assumed your dragon was leveling too.

I could be wrong, but it fits the sentence better than lying.

Last season I was working out guardian on some dummies, But I had switched to Moonkin spec and qd, then back to guardian and what I was doing. expecting to go into moonkin when I went into game eventually,

When I spawned in, It put me in Feral…

I did not perform well that match haha

It isn’t for me but sometimes it is bugged.

On my druid I always queue as resto but sometimes it puts me in bear spec even if the UI still states that I queued as resto.

And having 1 less healer in a blitz is kinda an auto lost. Especialy since I have no tanking gear on my druid lol.