Forced afflic/reroll/unsub

I’ve learned to love aff to the point I can’t play demo anymore, it feels too easy and I get bored.

But I have to say that’s only because i’m used to do so many things in the same time that I don’t enjoy a fluid and nice gameplay anymore. It seems like a Stockholm syndrome, i feel abused by affliction, but since i’m pumping nice numbers it feels “good”(?) in the end.

But the moment demo reach the same numbers i’ll reroll and never look back

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I didn’t have hope for Demo/Desto when at the very start of the Shadowlands announcements they put in the warlock section

" Spec-wise, we’re making relatively minimal changes to Demonology and Destruction, as we feel their core rotations and talent options fit well with our goals for Shadowlands ."

I think the goals they have been referring to have been they want the specs to not be the “best that they can be” so that people play aff because it wasn’t “great” in BFA.

what they really need to do to fix this issue is say what exactly they want each class/spec to be able to do (ST/AE Utilities nukes etc…) Then from there we can see what happens.(not like they really look at the feedback that is given “we would rather you didn’t play demo”).

These are the times that i am suprised they are not doing the “dev q&a” live streams… then again its just ra ra ion on all of those (god i miss ghostcrawler)

Never was a huge fan of Aff. It is as fascinating as watching paint dry

Tried all three specs and of all three affliction to me is the worst so I switched to demo kind of liked it but my guild said Destruction was better and off I went as a Destruction Warlock and never looked back.

I don’t care if it isn’t on top, in the middle or on bottom I play what I want to play not what is so called flavor of the month and as Destro I am having a blast so much so that it has topped my hunters as new main.

They have been trying to push affliction since Legion

I’m about to cut my play time 80% bc in getting into my dissertation phase, and it seems uts at the right time. Tired of blizz already.

GL on dissertation my duder

Thanks d00d. So much work, so worth it.

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