Forced 50%? SoloRBG

Is just me or one game feels extremely one sided in comparison to the next one?

Game 1: I can even afk and we would win anyway

Game 2: 3 people down a another immediately leaves the game or rather, everyone seems to be clueless as what to do and we get clapped

I should also add that I only have 11 games in total. Just lost last one so Im happy Ill win next one. (lol)

PS: i only play solo btw, I don’t group up to play this mode

I’ve literally not had a single leaver out of 11 games played so far.

skill issue. I’m 6-1 on ele and I solo qued.

nice troll lol

I had one my very first game xD

It could be, my gear is half PvE :stuck_out_tongue:

Not trolling

I’ve only seen one leaver. They got hit with a -200 CR penalty, even though they were below 1400 CR (wonder if you can go negative). Pretty nice!

I’m 3/9 :frowning:

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That sucks, I hope your queues get better. :heart: