Forbidden rites

Not sure if this has been made aware of, but I’ll list it still. With the quest forbidden rites there is either a bug with the mobs or the tidal kris. When you go to disrupt a ritual, the tidal kris will do the motion but nothing will be done. No update to x amount of rituals needed, no reaction from the mob, nothing.


September 2nd still happening

Dec 13. still happening.

Apr’22 still happening

June 18th, still happening…

September 12th 2022 still happening

October 10th, 2022 - still happening.

Also, this ship seems to break physics a lot, with some AoE traveling across different levels of the shp.

Jan 3 2023 STILL happening… wtf

May ‘23, still happening :neutral_face:

July 2024 , still happening

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