Forbidden Reach Questions

At first I thought this zone was like Korthia where if you kill a rare you get credit and drops for that day only and the next day you can do it again. But Forbidden Reach seems to allow unlimited loots from the same mobs. I did all the quests the first day, including the campaign, the one faction daily and the regular quests. I looted enough keys to open most of the doors in the vault but not all. Does the vault reset? And if so, how often? Will there be more quests each day? Weekly?

Iskera vaults resets every week, on tuesday after mainentance.
The quests resets every few days, you can see the cooldown on each NPC.
And the rare mobs spawns keep spawning, you can use the group finder to kill these elites faster and loot more items.
It’s a easier and faster way to gear up to 395, and then start Mythic and RAIDS.