For those who want Mythic Plus without the timer

So you spec and gear pure single target so you get the best rewards then do the dungeon in your single target build? How does that make sense?

The same reason in raids, enrage mechanics.

Dps exists only because of that and pvp they exist because heals/tank whammed down hard on nerfs

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Yes, but that doesn’t help you kill the intro boss faster, which is what scales the dungeon. You could faceroll the dungeon for sure, but you wouldn’t be able to do that against a single-target boss.

Ah, sorry, I failed to be specific. Talents could be changed with tomes and the like, but not specialization selections. If you go in as Ret, you are Ret for the duration. If you go in as Prot, you are Prot for the duration.

It may be one mode, but it would also have to be balanced with another mode, it would be like they are doing in Torghast, you have 3 lifes or…


and by the way you wait the next week.

That was good also in the first heros raids like ICC and ToC where we had 50 tries and if the raid failed, it was until the next week, that was much better and more strategic to put us all under strong pressure with the afflix problem and incidentally be victims of toxic players, fans of carrie and the addon raiderio.

uhmm you seem to underestimate how much dps tanks can do if they forgo survivabilty. Unless you put an obnoxious timer that even your really go dps can do then yea it will work. But then it’s also another timer. So why not just time everything?

Hm, sounds like the Intro Boss would need some tweaks, then. Perhaps dealing damage to tanks as % of total health so that damage mitigation is required?

The idea of the Intro Boss is akin to something like Patchwerk, used to measure damage output, but if its abilities are too trivial for tanks and healers, then you are correct, it would be easily cheesed.

in fact it would be good to resist a little more the passion of the world first in the mythic raids, with 50 tries we would make the Method cry even more and complain about adding more nerfed and making less wipes in a raid boss.

Hard mode could be a thing. Maybe scrap base Mythic and replace it with hard mode? But then how would scaling come into play.

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You could force group formation for this. Allowing only for a Tank, Healer and 3 DPS to join.

Or…Possibly a 7(or?) player group that could decide on maybe 1 extra heals and a dps, more mitigation with another tank or the extra 2 DPS, the dungeon encounters will have pluses and minuses for tank/heal/dps heavy groups, offering a variety of ways to successfully beat the dungeon.

So the bosses will have timers in the dungeon without timers. Ok I guess?

Yeah I don’t know, it just seems like you’d only bring the best single target classes so you could get the best rewards. Like how is a holy priest ever going to be invited when a Hpally can do 50-60k dps sustained on a single target fight? (using current numbers obv)

Yeah, I see what you’re pointing out, but I think I’ve already got that mostly covered with this question:

Ideally, I’d like it to be unlimited by lockouts, but I don’t want it to trivialize other PvE modes.

Mythic raid gear is always a touchy subject and hard to balance five man content in a way that would be respectful to raiding.

The general idea I have in mind, particularly toying around with the idea of percentage-based damage to the party, is to keep tank and healer engaged with performing their roles enough during the Intro Boss that they don’t have the wiggle room needed to perform out-of-role actions.


So, hypothetically speaking.

There is the immediate problem in that the difficulty of M+, or PvE in general, is seldom ruled by damage output, and a turret boss is not going to do a good job of determining if you should be in +8 freehold, or +18.

I’m generally in favor of some sort of pause mechanic and allowing replacements even for M+ as is, given how easily it is to irreparably ruin a stranger’s keystone the moment you decide you don’t like them.

If the only limit to progression is how long the players are willing to push it, there is essentially no reasonable challenge you can place in this “challenge mode” that cannot be simply brute-forced with sufficient patience. It becomes solving a Rubix cube with a hammer.

you say a superior dificulty like inferno dificulty in Diablo series?

I think that the mythic + is enough, in fact I would put as a fourth afllix where you can choose between chicken run or only 3 tries or 3 lifes no resurrection or Bres, as is the Tyranical and the reinforced with what begins.

And I don’t think about gear, because it is a value like doing a hero or Mythic raid, and it is also considered another way where you reward your effort and enthusiasm as the elite pvp.

Although we still continue with corruption of the ease of making a carrie for gold.

So you’d just take a blood dk and 3 DH’s as they can just leech thru the damage. Then the holy Pally can fill the gaps with glimmer while full dpsing.

Right, I’m personally in favor of a death limit, although how tight that would be is a variable I don’t feel like sussing out at this point in brainstorming. I want people to be able to take their time if they want to. However, I don’t want to reward them for bashing their faces against the wall until the wall falls down.

For the Intro Boss, sure. But what happens when they start the dungeon proper and they’re melee-stacked against bosses and trash that may punish melee-heavy comps?

The pause mechanic I think is pretty much covered by the trash respawn timer. As for party member replacement, I think that would make the mode a little too easy to sell carries for. It’s already susceptible to that as much as other modes in this iteration of the concept, so I’m not sure if making it easier is a good idea.

I want to believe that Blizzard can make dungeon content based on group composition lol

Can you give an example of this? Because melee hasn’t been punished in any dungeon ever.

The first boss would be to assess the capability of the group, and then everything after that scales based on that performance.