Which DBZ character is full ranged? Krillin cause he’ll die if he gets too close?
They can all be full ranged if they want! Still need the occasional Wolf Fang Fist, though.
This could be the name of Monk CC
Fair enough, but this isn’t DND, it’s Warcraft. While I generally regard the lore as vaguely entertaining at best, it does maintain certain themes, and brews for monks is one of them.
If they wanted to add an unarmed fighter unaffiliated with the games sketchy lore they could just as well add a BJJ spec to Warrior.
If only they will allow people to transmog two handers into one handers. I would love to use some knuckle dusters on my fury warrior. That or just claws.
Really enjoying the steampunk fists they released but sadly, I use the two handed hammers for my warrior.
Rule of cool for this. Make it happen.
I don’t think they need to be “full-ranged”. I would actually have their ranged spec take a page from the Evoker - highly mobile, 30-yd limit, uses charge-up moves.
would be cool, I also thought Tinker as the same with evoker like but much longer range. Seeing how Gazlow plays in HoS, it has a lot of things that reminds me of an empowered spell.
I think it would be interesting to see them build chi in melee and spend chi with ranged attacks, a mixture of instant and channeled abilities. I think it would be like a red mage from FF14, but monk themed.
Exactly - and weaving in and out of melee like that would fit the class like a glove. Give them a Mastery that rewards that kind of hit-and-run gameplay and bam, unique spec.
Hit em with that Hadoken > Shoryuken > Tatsumaki Senpukyaku > Final Flash > Kamehameha > Instant Teleport > Spirit Bomb.
Now we just getting into anime territory lol. What next, dominion expansions?
It’d be neat if hitting a specific kind of ranged > melee combo refreshed a roll charge, making the fight rotation based around zipping back and forth like a murder yo-yo.
murder yo-yo
Blizzard please hire this person
I don’t hate the class, I’ve had one since MOP it just VISUALLY needs to be updated and expanded up on to give ALL monks of Azeroth a more distinct feel, different "heritage"fighting forms based on what race you play and the ability to learn the other forms and change them at a catalyst only found at Monk Monastery’s, like a special quest to defeat the “Spirit of …” for each Martial art form, for NE “Night saber” form could be exclusive to picking a Monk of that race. That way nobody feels like the are playing a reskinnned Pandaren monk. Or Tauren monks having a more wrestling style and moves to their fighting form. Ijs Troll monks having capeoria fighting form too? (They already have the dance ijs ) Humans would have a “jeet kundo” style. Also implementing more weapon use in the fight animations would be cool too. AND since I’ve seen flails in game since Legion, we are gonna need nunchuks or a three section staff for Monks with there own fighting animations, I don’t give a damn what you feel about that weapon choice, you see a monk whip nunchuks around with cool fight animations, single or dual weild ??, ERRYBODY is making WoW “Bruce Lee” Stop it
Someone mentioned awhile back in this thread that the Megs arent actually kegs but manifestations of Chi.
Assuming thats true, why not make weapons out of chi?
People should get what they want. Im not suggesting we remove a playstyle or even get rid of those hideous claws. But theres no lore reason they cant use weapons. And its insane to have lore that says they couldnt access weapons while theyre using chi to create things.
I did not know there was a stop button for flying serpent kick.
That is great to know. Maybe I will find a use for it sometime…
That dude was joking. You’re not making weapons out of chi. Also the reasons they don’t use weapons is because when they developed the monk skill, it was because they were forbidden in using weapons. So they turned their own bodies into weapons instead.
Pretty cool lore imo, not everyone will like it.
Ok well then were are the kegs coming from? Thats the question i asked him.
Edit: i think the kegs are an inconsistency re: they dont use weapons
The first thing they did with their vote was to vote in Prohibition (while the men were away fighting in WWI Europe) and usher in 13 solid years of gang violence and lawlessness that really is unmatched until recent times. It may in fact have caused the Great Depression.