mounts haven’t mattered in like a decade
there are like 900 mounts game, 2 of which are special
The big profit item is token sales to pay for carries in raids, rated PvP, and mythic+. A player for whom money is no object who maxes out their token purchases weekly can continue to buy more carries under the table from players who will accept cash. This player is called a whale. They are willing and able to drop thousands of dollars a week on the right game.
I Still don’t know about that under table stuff when you only need to browse on google paid carrys to see the lots of results of RMT for carrys.
I mean Canadians have had to watch the sub cost rise from $15.00 to $19.99. At one point USD and CAD were equal then stuff happens now we paying 19.99. I’m almost certain thats the hardmax. I cant see anyone paying monthly for this game at anything above $20.00.
If it ever does reach that point. Personally the entitlement switch in my head would turn to the maximum and i think I’d turn into a daily complainer at every level LOL . Price increase for this game going forward can only be justified by an extreme increase in general quality of the game or a catastrophic situation in the economy where prices need to be adjusted.