For those who are unhappy with the store mounts

Would someone please think of the wealthy corporate executives and majority shareholders!

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The best mounts should be ones earned in game no excuses, it ruins the game when you can just buy all the coolest stuff.

I agree with you, and would rather it had been made available ingame - but, there are a lot of gorgeous mounts to be earned by play. I mean, a lot.

I had not purchased a store mount for a long time but when I saw this one, I admit I fell in love. It really is beautiful, and I hestitated. But I thought, what the hell. I had the money in my bnet account from old gold I’d deposited, so in a way I did earn it ingame, just in a somewhat different way. And I thought well, why not, put the gold to a use that will give me pleasure. People used gold to buy that big auction mount, to pay for their subs (which I mostly do) and so on. It’s not something I will make a habit of because I earn plenty of mounts as I play. But ultimately is purely a matter of choice.

Buy or buy not, as Yoda might say.

Eh. Thats very subjective, but most of the Shadowlands mounts we have gotten so far DO look very good. Like you cant deny that the Moth mounts are just as good as anything on the store.

Did you ever think that maybe just no one one cares.

Sure, but they have also added a lot to the store, including the tokens that make more money for this game than any amount of increase the sub would.

In 2005 the CEO wages would also not be in the hundreds of millions, so regardless of sub cost, the fact they can now pay the top brass that much should tell you that they are not short on money and that anything added to the store is just to bolster those coffers.

I didn’t read all of this, but did anybody make the actual point?

At 15 bucks a month… you don’t NEED millions of players to turn a profit.

You barely need 250,000.

They’ve kept the price the same because it’s easily affordable for them to do so, AND it makes them look like they care “about the little guy” /em wipes at a tear.

If WoW were it’s own company alone… there’d be NO need for extra revenue at all beyond sub fees and the cash shop.

I mean COME on! This entire expansion is an object lesson in producing less and earning the same or MORE than before!

And it’s not because of increased subs, that’s for sure…

What’s great is I get the mount and pay less per month than most of the people complaining.

I thought complaining and music videos are the only reason for YouTube’s existance.

Doesn’t make sense in the way streamers use it as an excuse to make profit off it via content even for just 1 vid. So idk why people complain.

You have countless free mounts available in the game you don’t need all of them

I’m only upset by the new bird mount because it’s not my favorite color—red.

The way I see it is, if blizzard wants to add a store mount, they’re going to add a store mount. Any attempt at kicking and screaming is just you making a fool of yourself.

At the very least they are now bundling those in with the 6 months, so that’s nice.

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I dunno, I mean, I’ve watched many let’s plays and such for various games, especially omori lol

Well maybe if they’d stop gutting the world and removing old content people would have more reason to play.

The idea that the less content we get, the more we should pay is absurd. The expansion has been engineered to generate token sales for purchase of paid carries. That’s what you are supporting. It’s their top moneymaker now. Do they give posters a big bonus for pushing these?

They already make a killing with all the faction/server/race/namechange services.

They already make a killing of selling pets and toys.

Mounts are one of the most prestigious things you can own in the game, they are supposed to be a symbol of what you have achieved in game, while I don’t really care, the fact that the store mounts get significantly more attention to detail while real mounts just get boring re skins and more often then not look kinda meh.

Cosmetics being sold in an ingame store is fine. End of discussion

A mount now and then isn’t what defines a whale. The game is now about maximizing profits from whales.

Then they should raise the sub price. Id rather pay $25 a month and have everything as in game items tbh. Its just better keeping stuff like that behind content not paywalls.

I mean technically you can buy nearly everyone of them though an ingame mean, farm gold. If anything with the rate of 180k gold for a $15 token they are actually cheaper then some of WoW’s ingame mount(lightforged warframe cost 500k)

Maybe you would, not everyone will and if anything the in elasticity of WoW’s demand would ultimately mean a $25 fee would produce LESS of a profit for WoW.

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I kinda hate people that take this so to they hearts, I mean. WoW at least only has mount, pents a one transmog, and a tokken.

Have you seen ESO? Neverwinter, storefronts? that’s outrageous, ESO wants your money for inventoryh space for mats.

and then act as if they are the only reason the store dosen’t grow up as much as shareholders want. If they really wanted a horrible store front, they just would do it. People may go, yes.

I preffer having a 6 month mounth that i don’t ever going to buy, rather than they blocking me bag space that is needed for the game to be complete.