For those unfamiliar with tokens

But it definitely does both create and destroy. You might argue that while that is true, it creates and destroys in even quantities which balance each other out, but as I said inflation will generally create more instances of destruction than creation.

No cause when you list your token it might be listed with 100 others or 3 others…

You dont see a list of available tokens for sale.

I have maintained a sub thru tokens since WoD. I can tell you i have never seen a price change after buying 10-12 tokens at one time when the price is low.

Its generally the next day and who knows how many others bought/sold.

The price will adjust for tokens in line.

thats not how that works by the way i read blizzards explanation. At times the token could be worth 150G since the moment you put token up for sale you get that price if it drops to say 100G then 50 gold is created? No, since at times the gold goes up it evens out since that overage of 50 equals out the last 50 destoryed. Thus there is again balance. Since the price changes dynamically we do not know how the calculation is at every part of the day or the time interval is changes. We can have guesses but unless there is a post saying it changes at X time or Y interval I would bet the gold amount is the “same”

There are 2 people involved.
one buys gold for 20 dollars, generating a token
the other buys the token with his/her ingame gold

blizzard is happy as person one still pays another $15 to play for a month, now out $35
person two pays no dollars, and trades the game gold for a free month of game play.

in essence Blizzard makes $5 more than they would otherwise, from the 2 players.

Price adjusts at least hourly at a rate capped at 3.03% max change/hr

It’s Microtransactions. Not much all needs to be said.

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Wait wait wait. A few other things happened too. RCR was added. Making spam a complete waste of time.
2FA happened. As well as the IP lock. People became more aware of ways to protect themselves from hackers by being burned as well.
Gold buyers got craftier too. By using throw away accounts, throw away emails, pre-paid CC, and buying from gold rich American guildies instead of websites.
Why advertise in game when sites like wowhead are used by 98% of the playerbase?
Guess who owns it, thottbott, and alakazam? IGE. Know what IGE used to sell but “are no longer in that business”? Gold.
This whole mess was taken care of neatly behind closed doors. So yea. You could say the token contributed but in reality it’s only hidden. The same people are still making the same coin off gold sales. With blizz not only getting the broker’s cut but they’ve managed to turn wow gold into their own crypto currency.
Remember how the 15th anny edition sold out overnight but there was a mile long list of them on ebay for 2-3x the retail price? One hand washes the other…

Basically it calls on you the consumer (person that pays a Sub to play the game) to believe one of a few options. 1. Blizzard is stupid and destroying the in game economy because they don’t know how to manage it. 2. Blizzard is and Evil company destroying the in game economy for money and/or other nefarious reasons. 3. Blizzard created a system to solve a number of issues(which it did) and never bothered to tell everyone the algorithm of how it exactly works so that it can’t be exploited. Without every last detail being explained the weak minded and tinfoil hat crowd started rambling off every hair brained scheme they could dream up to explain this. At the same time attacking community members that refused to get on board with their conspiracies. I’m more of a third option guy myself.


No, it usually takes around 12-24 hours for a token to sell.


False choices. Blizzard isn’t evil for wanting to make money (hint: they do, it’s a business). Option 3 is only an option if the economy wasn’t more inflated and terrible since the introduction of tokens (hint: it is).

So for an explanation, we are left with incompetence or profitability. My bet is some of the former, a lot of the latter. It’s not a crazy conspiracy to believe that a business wants to make money.

I still have to use my authenticator to log in

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Ah… well I suppose they still work. I use software, not the official Blizzard device, which is no longer being offered.

Those old cons did disappear but what followed was worse. You cant use trade chat now as it is now over run with scams.
The token did not fix the scammers. They just changed their game.

Empirically no it is not

Do you know what inflation is? Do you understand how to measure it? If so, please provide your empirical data showing that it has not occurred. Even preliminary or rudimentary data will be accepted.

Lol. IF you are gettin scammed in trade chat, it isn’t gold sellers.

It does change the amount of gold though.

If there wasn’t 10 different other ways that gold is coming into the economy you might have a point. There is and you don’t. I had guildies that we making 12-20k a day just doing dailies and follower missions back in Legion for over 18 months . I made north of a million gold on that expansion alone on one toon and never bought a copper.

Right, that’s called inflation.

Never have been scammed. Trade chat has become nothing more than the scammers spamming “guild runs” and win trading on retail now.
Thats where the gold sellers went to.

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