For those saying bots are fake

Have you queued the battleground brawl this week? So many freakin bots! Is this what the war within will be like if so I’m out :pinched_fingers:t2:


For real, it’s amazing this infestation of bots. And they get last names too!!

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I said this the other week. Honestly it’s approaching WoD levels of scripting/botting idc what anyone says. Also Blizzards method of letting people cheat for months then doing a banwave is the most idiotic way of handing this kind of stuff. Everyone just has to suffer with it until they do their wave and then they all buy new accounts and do it again for 6 months, ad nauseam.

Tbh I don’t think they even have the tech to deal with this right now. Probably rested on their laurels since WoD and now have to play cach up which will take another year or so.


Don’t think anyone is saying they are fake, just people questioning how many there are. That said, I have seen more lately than in the recent past, though I still think people attribute their losses a bit too much to cheating. Regardless, there are more bots and cheats than there should be.

They are fine tuning the AI everyone has been asking for to replace healers for faster DPS queues.

What I don’t get is if someone talks about bots everyone accuses them of “blaming them for not getting rating” but really it’s just another thorn in the side. Imagine queing into dh/bm/arms/ww/outlaw/fw every single lobby as a caster but then on top of it you have to deal with scripts immuning your abilities in the small window you finally do get a chance to play the game. And you waited 45 minutes for that que.

If this isn’t proof, I don’t know what is


I think people are missing the joke here XD


I was in an AB and LIERTALLT the entire enemy team was bots


There’s just too many clueless players that can’t even differentiate between botting and wintrading, and then see a Supatease video about botting and now everywhere they look they think they see it. I really do think it is fairly prolific at the moment and will only get worse, but there’s no doubt many more people falsely thinking they see it after that vid. Same as when something gets reported in the news like unusual lights in the sky and now all of a sudden everyone is reporting UFO sightings when it’s just normal air traffic and they just have no idea what they’re looking at. Either way though I’m glad because it’s just going to put a bigger spotlight on a real issue and hopefully force the devs to act.

It really is insane. I love AB, and here I am returning to the game after a year and queue for it through the pvp screen, and somehow I’m facing full teams of bots! Full teams!

And they seem to be the same group of bots capable of also circumventing the queue to always force me to play them!

Thankfully they’re clearly primitive in terms of programming and lose.

Man I’m so fried I just realized you were talking about the AB brawl and I was thinking of Blitz lmao.


To quote The Main Ingredient from 1972:

everybody plays the fool sometimes

tbh I’m mad at you for liking my post and not correcting me

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ITT: Someone makes a joke post about Comp Stomp and only person notices it’s about Comp Stomp.


There isn’t a mass infestation of bots in BGs. Not to point where half a team would be running the same exact pathing routes together like we had in the past. This is mainly an arena issue now. :frowning:

What can I say, I’m a troll at heart.

JD wouldn’t approve


Ok but he wouldn’t have strung his boy Exalter along like that :triumph:


True. He’s a good’n.

Now I’m sad because that was a whole 5 years ago now when we first broke rival (don’t tell anyone it was prot pal / fury warrior in bfa s1).

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