For those of you that are having a lot of errors

For those of you that are having a lot of errors.

  1. Turn off : “Load out of date addons”
    This will ensure your addons are updated and working.
    If an addon is red then its no good meaning the toc file hasn’t been updated for current patch.
  2. Install Buggrabber and Bugsack.
    These two addons will help you locate where the errors are coming from - from blizzard or addons you have loaded up.
  3. Turn off all addons - seriously turn them off - and slowly start to turn them back on looking for errors as you go. seems to toss errors constantly while doing anything. Weakauras has errors with modules that you load up since they haven’t been updated. So on…
  4. Once you get an error and its clearly associated with an addon, save the information and go to curse or github whereever the addon allows you to report and paste it there, the authors will appreciate all the help believe me I do it all the time.
  5. If you have a really old addon which hasn’t been updated yet, send the author a private msg see if they are still maintaining it you really can’t lose.

Other than above the only things you can do to check for errors is:

  1. Turn off game completely and then kill update agent through task manager.
  2. Restart
  3. Go to the gear next to the word play and do a scan and repair.
  4. Try the game again.
  5. If it still gives you errors then you need to clear stuff out.
  6. Exit the game completely including (kill it with task manager).
    7., Go to your wow folder, where ever that is.
  7. Rename interface to interface-today’s date
    ex. interface-110922
  8. Rename wtf to wtf-today’s date
    ex. wtf-110922
  9. Rename cache to cache-today’s date
    ex. cache-110922
  10. Move your screenshots folder to a new location/backup location.
    Why? Just in case something gets corrupted you don’t lose those valuable moments.
    Once you have it backed up delete the older folder.
    Do the same thing for Errors and Logs.
  11. Restart and redo the Scan and Repair.
  12. Restart the game - you will notice 3 things, no more addons, your configurations are gone, and everything is fresh.
  13. Test out the game like this for a bit - see if you are still receiving errors.
  14. Once satisfied start installing your addons again, making sure you use new versions only.

Yeah its a lot of work but doing above will give you a clean install also will give you the ability to see if the logs after the clean install including device errors or any sort of error. Also by backing up your screenshots you have just made it easier to reinstall if you need to.

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