For the people to take the objective as I'm fighting

This I have no problem with. Shared tags are wonderful. If I see someone running towards a mob I will even slow down on the DPS to make sure they have a chance.

Seems like blizz would learn from successful systems and stop putting in ones that generate lots of complaints.


I quit having a problem with it. It used to frustrate me so bad, especially when I am on healers that lack dps and it really is a pain to get them down and kill them. Now, not so much. It’s the name of the game and as someone said above, everyone is out for themselves anymore.

…and I’m sorry, it didn’t feel “wonderful” it felt bad…yay share my tag of something I have down to 1% and been fighting to kill, awesome.

Also would like to add as a healer if you don’t hit something hard enough the first time and someone comes up behind you and hits it even harder (opposite faction) you lose that said mob, and that isn’t “wonderful” either. I mean why does this even exist, I was there first and I hit it before you, end of story.

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Sadly, I have ended up doing this as well. It is amazing how many rude people there are these days.

I have also had people hit the mobs I’m killing one time and stand there while I kill them just so they get credit. It has gotten to the point where I’ll fade (my main is a SP) so they get aggro and have to either run away or fight. I dislike doing it because it isn’t nice, but it also isn’t nice to allow others do the work while you reap the rewards.


Using the word “swoop” perpetuates negative druid stereotypes.

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Now that would be a real biter.

I have never noticed that on Disc, does is seem to be a specific class?

I struggle with my holy priest so much, I use my trinket on CD. Restoration shaman I never have issues because she puts out a nice amount of dps. I just started going shadow for things now (which I suck at, lol).

Yeah, I feel you there.

It was one of the things that really took me off guard in FF14, folks will go out of their way to help you and if there is a node or something close by, wait to see if you were clearing to it.

Not all of them of course, but after so many years of WoW it was kind of a shock.


goes to break a pandaren out of stone

Demon hunter flies in and takes it

go for a nearby pandaren

Same Demon Hunter does that little dash they can do to it



Druids…They should make interaction cast time doubled if in flight form.


Yes, this. The community is so different there, wait what? You want to help me!? I got a good chuckle the first time I saw someone being toxic and the group telling them to, “Go back to WoW”.

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To think, there used to be a time when multiple players could all interact with the same quest object and get credit for it.


You are just bitter because they stole your wings and gave them to the Demon Hunters.

Shush you :slight_smile:

I mean we do tie with holy priest for being the least mobile things in the game.

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Death Knights would like a word good sir.


They are melee they don’t have feelings :slight_smile:


I…can’t really argue there.

Maybe it’s all those years of staring at boss crotch that make them so bitter.

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You’re a shaman, but the wrong spec. :slight_smile:
I get to the node, thunderstorm, loot, THEN worry about the mobs.

These Horde that let you take the target down to 1% then throw in a whirlwind at the end. class

This is when I always give thanks that I am a NE who can shadowmeld. I wish I could see the look on their face when the mobs I was fighting suddenly jumps them and I am free to loot/interact with the object.

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This is where pet classes shine.

  1. Attack mob.
  2. Pet attacks mob, mob responds to pet.
  3. Click objective.
  4. Kill mob.

That said, I agree with you. It sucks when you spot an objective that is guarded by a mob, you attack the mob, and then some gear-knob flies down and takes the objective.

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