For the love of god, put LFD into Wrath

Nevermind, not replying to a bot. Read your own post, or if you’re a bot I hope you get banned.

Nothing you said was wrong. However, I don’t understand your point. Retail is Shadowlands, not Cata>WOD so why would I go to current retail for this feature that you admit has been downplayed?


Oh I don’t disagree with you, he should have told you to go play FFXIV, that’s far less disingenuous.

I’m assuming we are just misunderstanding each other somewhere. I have no desire to make the conversation toxic.

NOONE wants to play retail, because the inconsistencies, like the wrong QOL stuff like lfr existing, while you’re required to have specific weakauras to play any raid outside of it competently. Or the leveling system being so good and respecting ur time but you spend more required time in torghast doing required dumb stuff for raiding than you ever spent leveling ur actual character.

So I agree, I wouldn’t refer to retail at the moment, for any type of player there’s a better mmo that exists

This comment is @ dyinglight

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This implies that you want RDF to be used on end game content at the same time implying that random dungeons are the endgame in WotLK.

Ah I see where we got mixed then. Maybe I could have worded it better. I meant to downplay the importance of RDF in retail and how suggesting one to go to retail for a feature that isn’t even vital to it’s own design is silly.

But RDF isn’t vital to the design of WotLK either. You only do heroics/dungeons in the first phase to get gear to raid, and that’s always more fun (in my opinion) to do with the rest of the community. RDF ends up just being something to absentmindedly boost alts through the leveling process or a button you press each day to get your 2 free badges.


I would be happy with the post system for LFG straight from retail, but barring that, you might as well go back to dungeon finder

There is a post board LFG system in wrath though

Have you logged into beta and used it? Cause if you’re insinuating it’s as organized as retail’s I encourage you to go try it out for yourself.

EDIT: Hence why I said the post system straight from retail.

It’s not my fault you don’t like it, you have access to it so their part is done.

I’ll somewhat agree with it not being vital to the design. My argument is more that it is vital to my personal nostalgia and my personal Wrath experience. I played briefly before it was put in, probably around the peak of the toxicity of gear score checking, and that soured me on the game. RDF allowed me to run dungeons without that barrier and I had a great time with it. Retail is not even remotely fun for me anymore, so when I found that Wrath was coming back I was hopeful for reliving those times, even if it meant waiting until ICC again. This is where my personal displeasure with the change comes in.


Do you genuinely think that this line of thought is a suitable argument for anything?

Obviously it’s a conversation because a plethora of people don’t like it, which may (but not always) point to a problem with design. Blizzard also actively encourages its users to use this platform, its forums, to voice those sorts of concerns. Because ultimately Blizzard sells products, and product rating mean something.

In essence, if your only goal here is to tell users that they’re wasting their time, you’re here for nothing. Log back into the game and go do something worthwhile.

I can agree with you there. I honestly don’t care if it’s added to the game in the ICC patch or even Ulduar release, I just don’t want it in at release as it has a huge impact on the initial gearing process in WotLK.

So again, just don’t use it and let the people who do want to use it do it in peace :smiley:


Except I would need to use it for optimal raid progression, because it destroys the gearing process in early wrath. So add it in later, or don’t, I really don’t care, just don’t have it in on release.

Optimal raid progression ? try not min maxing everything and you might have fun again. :clown_face:


I enjoy min maxing. Try not dictating how others have fun. :clown_face:

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“Try not dictating how others have fun” Like you do with every LFD post ? :smiley_cat: