For Quel'thalas!

The shorts aren’t even part of it, those are what make belfs have as undies. The shoulders are smaller on females, they look fantastic.

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That mog looks good on mages like Kael’thas and warlocks. Not really my style but hey

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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I’ll put it on my mage. BTW, on the PTR currently you can learn any appearance even on other classes.

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do you have a female model?

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Odeargodinheaven there will now be seven thousand billion “xxKaelthasxx” running around. lol


I’m going to be honest…

I HATE that this is linked to a limited time event. That set had better be made available again somehow. It should NOT be FOMO. It is WAY too iconic to Blood Elves, and I feel like making it only available for this, would put off a lot of future players who may love Blood Elves.


The Blood Elf heritage armor not being a high quality Blood Mage set feels like such a missed opportunity.

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Oh ok, then maybe that will work.

Thanks :slight_smile:

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How about the orange orbs? You know, the ones we used to have with the fire mage legion artifact but for some reason no longer do?

Those were kinda nice…


hey my xkealtharsx is a VERY UNIQUE TOTALLY ORIGINAL rp character! oc do NOT STEAL!




I love this blood elf mage transmog. :heart_eyes:
I will collect all versions of this set, I already have the blue high elf set.


This set works better for Warlocks than it does Mages.

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Warlocks can’t use it. The shoulders and head are mage only.


Kael’thas was a Mage and had the orbs.

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well, bloodmage which is similar to destro

verdant spheres are more warlock-y, from the WoWpedia page

This powerful arcane artifact appears to be a sphere of green magical fire that hovers around the owner in much the same way an ioun stone orbits its owner’s head. Legend has it the orb siphons a portion of the essence of every evil outsider slain by its owner. The orb draws on the essence of these demons for its own powers, the spirits writhing in torment within it for all eternity. The reason it is most sought after by arcane casters, however, is its ability to enhance spells. All fire spells cast by the owner have their range widened, increasing the area of damage.


Right, Warlocks have spheres, but this is a shoulder set created to look like Kael’thas’ and he was a fire mage. Mages had the spheres in Legion too from Felo’melorn. Kael’s weapon.


i also rememer way back mop you could glyph into verdant spheres as a warlock also, but they removed it ever since, along with the felomelorn fire spheres for regular mages too.

i just wished the set could be usable by both but i doubt it will happen


Both would be nice. Especially since they have purple shoulders. That would look good on Warlocks.


Oh for sure. There’s plenty of crossover. Kael’thas went through a lot and tried some stuff out. In my mind though he was still a mage before he was a warlock. Flamestrike was more iconic than his other spells.

I think they still have a glyph to have their soul shards hover over them. But back in the day when destro had burning embers as their secondary resource, yeah they could have those over them instead. Warlocks were so damn cool then. Like how they would get a fiery aura around them as their embers charged up. I miss that.

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