I switched from maldraxxus to nightfae i had 1/9 chapters completed with maldraxxus so i assumed that would transfer over when i swapped to night fae, It was a easy swap i got world quests and my covenant upgraded but when i look at my quest log i clearly should have that chapter unlocked since i’m already almost done with the Torgast chapter (doing the quest collecting the embers) For queen and grove shows up as if i never completed that chapter despite having chapter 2 in my quest log and my covenant ability
I have this exact same issue right now, Ive even completed chapter 2
replying again hoping to get help
Same issue here
Same here.
same here but for kyrian coven
Same problem here. I switched from Kyrian to Night Fae.
Same issue. Switching from Necrolord and chapter 1 isn’t completed but 2 and 3 are.
ya i have the night warrior done but i did the for queen and grove quests but still haven’t received completion. you’d figure since there like 10 post a gm would have seen this but i guess not
Same issue, swapped from Necrolords. I completed the second chapter and 100% completed the quest “For queen and grove,” but the first chapter is not completed.
voltei para meu covenant antigo mais perdi a questline For Queen and Grove!
I went back to my old covenant but missed the For Queen and Grove questline!
any update?