honestly a really good post - this sums up a whole lot of my own frustrations with the game (in specific classic, I don’t play retail)
I’ve said it a million times here - Blizzard is profiting off of the bot nets they have, they have no financial incentive to remove them from their environment.
I am not quite at the point of quitting but after I level up my (third) warrior to 60 I will probably halt my account until BC.
oh well.
Thanks for the post - was a good read.
plucks one last moonkin feather
Elune has decided you are a noteworthy specimen deserving of further study.
But Hoots I enjoy your posts and will miss you! Also if you change your mind on the gold thing I check all the good person boxes from your list (as far as you know muhahahaha (maybe I shouldn’t have added that dang it)).
Agree as usual with most your points and wish you well in your future journeys! Fly high good owl!!
Tldr. Even you admitted this post was pointless.
FYI, OP. You can post for days or even weeks after your sub expires. Just don’t log out of your account.
Can I have your stuff?
And it all started with tank nerfs and cc changes…now its a big boulder rolling down hill with no stopping. Put the game back to the way it was in DF S4 and stop this meta class crap. Ill be unsubing also if s2 is crap in keys. Not that im an epic player that pushes higher and higher keys but thats the point. Btw can brewmaster tanks get some vers buffs they still exist blizzard.<3
Those servers are like “let’s take something we like and make it funner”. Which is the opposite of what blizzard does were they take something we enjoy and make it not fun.
I’m sure flasks will be that much. I think black lotus is over 100g right now on nightslayer. All the farm bots and gold buyers and boosters are not good for the game.
You mean all 50 people online right. Server was good at like 39 bracket now it’s terrible.
I don’t play classic because I’m waiting for maybe MoP classic and definitely look forward to WoD and legion classic, so I don’t know much about it. What exactly is it that blizz doesn’t like about your server? What do you do differently than other ones? Genuinely curious
Grobbulus “died” a long time ago. Most Classic players value having many other people to play with. They want fast groups and a plethora of items available on the AH. As Classic’s initial hype started to die down and people relived their nostalgia, players started to drift off and populations declined as they normally do. With players spread across so many different servers, they started to “correct” the problem themselves, slowly trickling into a handful of other servers to create more populated ones. This snowballed and we ended up with megaservers and the trend continues to this day, with Blizzard fully embracing the single server ideal for SoD and Anniversary.
This is all well and good for most players, but some folks really like the small community vibe. They don’t mind waiting a little while for groups, value personal connections with the other players in the game, and genuinely enjoy going out and farming the materials they need for crafting. As a result, a small group stayed behind, and active, on Grobbulus. They started out very small, barely being able to maintain enough players to clear UBRS let alone any raids. They persisted and grew though, to the point where they were able to clear Naxxramas in its entirety.
Blizzard didn’t seem to like this. I mean, did they not provide free transfers off the server to the more populated ones? Did they not provide more robust server infrastructure so everybody could be connected together? Why would anybody not want to follow the crowd and do the most popular thing?
In the time that followed, Blizzard has kept free transfers open on Grobb long past the time when any legitimate player could benefit from it. In fact, it’s now entirely a means for farmers to exploit it and make gold on the main cluster servers. They’ve also shut off transfers into Grob, so if you’re a player who enjoys that small server vibe you can no longer transfer your existing character over and have to reroll.
Frankly, it’s only a matter of time before they forcibly merge us into Whitemane, but until that day we’ll persist, continuing to enjoy the game our own way. It’s not for everybody, but we like it, and we encourage anybody who might feel the same way to join us.
if i would Un-sub it will be because of Layers.
1-layers make the world divided into many worlds
2-layers allow enemy players to appears out of no where on your character when they suddenly swap layers to your layer and you get killed by players who teleports right next to you.
3-layers allow those players who kills you when you are low hp to run away once they change layer to dodge your revenge.
4-layers makes finding people for elite quests nearly impossible because general chat is layered and the people who’s on the same quest will not be in your layer and won’t even read your general chat.
5-layers allow bots to farm more X times in the same time for the same things.
Well, i know gold sellers & hackers both existed from 20years, and i know that game had many issues but i was never bothered But this trash thing called layer is really what would make me never recommend this game to anyone.
Hardcore classic is where it’s at, anything else softcore is complete joke tainted with parseculture andy and parasocial neckbeard.
Can confirm thanks!
speed clears are a sham in regards to saving time. the amount of consumes required is like 500g per raid plus time for all the world buffs. on top of that, theres hours put into planning optimal routes and explaining.
physical dps doesn’t even need a flask or are dps warriors getting booted for not having +1200 HP? lol
they are indeed benched or at very least excluded from loot consideration. Flask prices and lotus prices dont lie.
makes no sense “vanilla raids are sooo easy but if you don’t have a +1200 HP safety blanket then you don’t get loot”
In the past, people would just say fk that and go do a gdkp with the gold instead of wasting the gold on the “mandatory” consumes. at least the gold would guarantee an item, rather than some Dweeb arbitrarily deciding who gets loot that day.
Banning GDKP has given power to these con artists, emboldening them. The alternative being unavailable has given them free reign. the outlet for gold has been released upon their unreasonable demands - 200g lotus on nightslayer.
Now the anti gdkp players are complaining about lotus price and unreasonable guild standards. When will they learn? the problem was never the gdkp. the root cause is the bots and the gold buying, paired with sweat culture.
If you have to spend 500g on consumes for a speed run, or 500g to buy an item in the gdkp, whats really the difference? i mean, besides the GDKP being inherently more fair based on an actual system rather than “my feels bro”