For my final post before sub expires

Just pointing out the key problems I see that made me unsub. (I know this is a waste of time because blizz doesn’t read these post but I have some time to waste. Also no you can’t have my gold.)

I will divide this into two camps Blizz created problems and Player created problems.

Starting with Blizzard.

  • Lack of communication with players.
    It feels like the only time you guys communicate with us is for scheduled releases of phases or if something goes horribly wrong (case in point the release of AV where it was clear there was no QA testing done before release.) Your players want to hear from you, especially when it comes to issues that routinely get brought up, whether it’s minor things like adding QoL additions to Anniv or as serious as doing something to crack down on botting/player toxicity, etc. Shoot, even jumping into a forum post on occasion makes us at least feel that Blizzard is paying attention to what we are talking about.

  • Apparent lack of passion for Classic
    If you guys truly had a passion for Classic we would see more involvement with the Classic community. I understand there are people here that take this game way to serious and respond in a toxic manner but this isn’t all of us, also much of that can be mixed up with many players passion for Classic and disappointment with the direction it is going, if we weren’t why would we be playing a game that’s several decades old, while I rarely bring up entitlements I believe Blizzard owes us a dev team that is just as passionate about Classic WoW as the players of Classic are. Additionally, a passionate team would have never released an AV that linked Anniv with SoD out of a QA test.

  • Lack of support to Classic WoW from Microsoft
    This one I don’t blame entirely on the WoW classic team. It seems like there is minimal support given to WoW classic as a whole which directly ties in with my previous points. This game needs actual game masters to help protect WoW Classic from those who try to cheat the game, whether it’s gold buying, botting, etc. the automated report system has been abused and manipulated for reasons that it was never intended to be used for and is the most bare minimal option you had to address player concerns. Overall it feels like the only objective of Classic is to feed off the nostalgia of players and collect that monthly subscription money without providing any legitimate resources to Classic.

  • No plan to deal with botting
    From what I have read from you guys, coupled with the lack of communication to us your players, I feel safe in my assessment that you guys have no clear plan or desire to deal with botting and RMT in your game. Which on the lighter scale shows indifference of Classic or on the heavier side negligence of Classic. This is exemplified further that when you do bans they are only a handful of weeks rather than permanent bans of botting accounts, you guys must really need that subscription money badly if you allow bots to get a slap on the wrist vs perm bans and continue to operate.

Now for the player created problems

  • Wide Spread Cheating
    I use cheating/gold buying interchangeably here. It is obvious with the amount of botting and rmt happening in Classic that cheating is spread far and wide throughout Classic. I understand you have your (alleged) 120hr work week, 9 wives, and 27 kids you have to deal with and use that to justify buying gold. However, buying gold you contribute to the cesspit that is the WoW Classic botting/rmt problem, if people wouldn’t buy gold there wouldn’t be a rmt issue along with a decrease in the actual botting that is taking place. I really hope your epic mount, lionheart helm, edgemasters and what ever digital items you bought with your rmt gold was worth it at the expense of supporting botting/rmt.

  • HR culture
    It gets exhausting reading through LFG in which every dungeon has something if not multiple things HR’d. “why don’t you make your own group then.” I did, and was asked if I could HR items for people. It is clear with the majority of players in Classic the only enjoyment they get out of this game is when they get good parses in raids.

  • Hyper competitiveness
    This isn’t directed at those who minmax as much as it is directed at those who expect others to minmax and follow the meta just like they do. Don’t know if you know this or not but Classic vanilla is by and far the easiest version of WoW there is. The dungeons in Cata are far more mechanically difficult and punishing then anything in this version of the game yet many players treat WoW Classic like it’s a a MOBA in terms of complexity and challenge. I have seen 40mans of mages and 40mans of druids down 40 man raids, shoot, I’ve even seen a 2man down Onyxia. I promise, your raid won’t suffer by including a handful of “meme” specs into your raid and before you say you want speed clears because you have those aforementioned work hours, wives, kids you got to deal with perhaps MMO’s aren’t the best game to get into if time is a factor. Try a game that you can pause and step out of or team shooters like Marvel Rivals. (free to play btw)

I’ve cancelled my subscription from WoW previously for various reasons in the past, but this is the first time I cancel due to disappointment. Disappointment with the devs, disappointment with the player base, disappointment with the direction the game is going.

I know there are great people in this game, have made several great friends that we met playing this game but I also know my time in this game is done. Thanks for the memories and good luck out there.



Gonna miss you Hooters.




If you want your Vanilla fix, play Turtle. If you want Wrath, then play Chromiecraft (soon to enter Wrath content). Then there’s Project Epoch, which is the Wrath content with TBC spells and abilities, but set in Vanilla content. Releasing…soonish.

There’s much better offerings of WoW than what Blizz provides.


yeah trying to make a group only to have every whisper be about “if i tank/heal/topDPS can you HR ___”


The HR one is hilarious.

Insane to think people will join those groups. The Live strat all orbs to tank/heals one lmao


Can I have your stuff?

Also I agree with everything in this post. I’ve actually been considering unsubbing as well, but will give it some time to see if things improve. If phase 3 launches with 250g flasks I’m out.

I quit in 2020 when black lotus became unobtainable without buying gold, and I won’t even wait this time.


My personal stance is this: At the moment I am having fun, if I reach a point in which I am not having fun I will unsub immediately and move on.

No attachment, just simple business.

I’m mostly waiting for TBC anyway; Classic is for the birds.


Hooters! I don’t know if you have been a long-time poster on a different toon prior to making this one, but I’ve noticed your activity and have always enjoyed your posts on the forums, even if we don’t always share the same opinions.

Your presence will be missed.

There are many stages of quitting, and character restore has also gone through iterations making it easier and easier to do so, likewise with item restore.

The most drastic is probably requesting to have your account deleted (I haven’t done this, personally):

Next, I think is selling all items that can be sold, and deleting all that cannot, giving away all gold (likely to people you know and like in-game, not randoms on the forums, but still. I gave my WoW Classic Era gold to someone in Elwynn Forest once who was just starting an alt, probably).

After that, just deleting characters as-is, though interestingly, you cannot delete characters with tokens (applicable to Classic progression and Retail atm). It used to be a pretty long time between restores, then it was just a couple of weeks, and now it’s every day! So not really what it once was.

The next I guess is just letting your sub run out, which I guess is where we are at this time, and maybe that’s just a way to attempt to reclaim some time in your life to focus on other things, like maybe reading, family, exercise, whatever…

Quitting over this makes me question if you are actually brand-new to WoW, and Blizzard games in general, or even what you are used to or want.

From my point of view, there’s no reason to want communication from Blizzard, nor to hope for it. What good has ever come from communication? People might point to Ghostcrawler, who probably is most famous for just being a self-promoting person who was early to criticize and have an online presence… of course, back then people used numbers and sensible complaints.

I’ve tried to hint at this a few times without being too disparaging to the Classic dev team, but c’mon… think this through. What sort of developer wants to take on someone else’s beloved work that is in maintenance mode?

The fact that the changes we see in Classic are functionally worse than an average addon isn’t something that should need pointing out.

I’m curious what you’re hoping for or wanting here? Why would Microsoft support WoW Classic, specifically? Do you think that the BlizzardActivision acquisition was because they wanted to promote MS Services in Azeroth?

Remember Skype? That was an interesting acquisition.

At least GitHub doesn’t feel supported from Microsoft… That’s a good thing, imo.

Aside from thinking that this is just a ridiculous statement, I’m genuinely curious what your day-to-day gaming looks like and how you personally are impacted by bots?

My guess here (maybe it’s off base) is you watch too many negative, complainer streamers and that’s impacting your own personal judgement and enjoyment of the game.

I would actually love an answer though, as I suspect that most people complaining about bots are either in that boat or just believe that anybody they encounter in an online game is a bot, and somehow that’s hurting their experience.

Sure these are all things. The way that WoW tends to work though is you either join a specific community (or communities) that regularly schedule gametime, or you are just out there…

And while it’s possible to make an argument that the relative quality of the PuG scene has changed over years and iterations of the game, it is what it is… and I don’t think I’d readily agree that it’s any worse now than it ever has been, nor that it should be policed by Blizzard.

What I would point out is that communities exist, and though most people couldn’t be bothered to put in the effort to cultivate and maintain the type of community they would like, that’s exactly what you can do.

It’s up to each of us to determine if the tradeoffs of PuGging vs joining a community vs running a community are worth it, and ultimately, if you can’t (or even just don’t wanna) put in the effort to find or build something that works for you, then sure, give up and quit.

Is that Blizzard’s fault? Bro, if you want to say Blizzard should make changes to “fix their game”, then I’ve gotta ask, “Do you actively enjoy playing Retail?” ← That is how the game is fixed, and that is what people are asking for. Just go play it, or quit, imo.

Dude. One time I was on the street, outside a club and a friend ordered a cup of steamed silk worm larvae. He was like, “It tastes better than it smells.” I am still not disappointed in my decision not to try it.

I think those gut feelings tend to be worth listening to.

When you know, you know! My sub ended maybe a year and a half ago or so… but I have so many tokens…



Good luck on wherever your gaming journey takes you.


Just to nit pick here a bit. Speed clears are a competitive aspect of gaming. Its called speedrunning. People with full time jobs, family, school, and hobbies have fun speedrunning other games. Some people like this competitve aspect for what it is, some do it more casually without going for world records. And there are certainly longer speedruns out there than the time it takes to complete any raid.

The solution is find a group or guild that accepts you. You dont want to play with people who stigmatize your role. Fun guilds are diamonds in the rough with this aspect, but they exist.

Other than that, everything else I agree with. As much as I like the fresh anniversary servers, I won’t be going through the same grind time, and time again unless some changes are made. A more proactive, or even transparent team that can would be wonderful. I’m getting the feeling like another fresh will come out in a few years but it will be a copy of the current servers with the same release schedule and more hands-off from devs.


Why though and for what? Outside those things you already know everything as its been released time and time again. Do you want a random dev to post the weather outside or something?

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Props to u for unsubbing.

Regarding the communication from devs. I assume they don’t have anything to say because they aren’t addressing or fixing any issues that exist old or new. Unless it’s something immediately obvious that revolves around a recent phase release.

GL, perhaps some new versions of classic deliver in the future.


Mine is the opposite, I keep getting whispers of “how much?” and “what’s on HR?” just trying to form regular chill groups lol.

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Your posts on here have always been reasonable, Hooters.

Ellune watch over you, Ishnu-alah.


See you next week

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Tell 'em :joy:


Classic doesn’t make them money. If you want apparent passion from devs go play retail. You might get that there. Reality is blizzard doesn’t really care about wow any more unless it’s something they can sell on the store.

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When players “cope, seethe, mald” they just quit.

This is what you wanted though…


I’m not here to dunk on your post, I agree with most of your points and share in your disappointment with it.

I’m highlighting this one here though (HR) because I think it has always been in the game. Let’s say I’m tanking my 53rd Undead Strat run and the only reason I’m even here is for the cloak which hasn’t dropped yet.

First of all I’m not even bringing someone who might also want that cloak to eliminate that problem. I would much rather do these runs with members of my guild and would only bring a PuG(s) if we can’t fill the group. If I’m bringing PuGs and one of them also needs that cloak or I’m certain they would roll on it, hard reserve.

I wouldn’t expect PuGs with randoms on a megaserver to do anything less. Still not great, would be nice if there was a better way.


can i have your gold though?

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