For Imbu! World quest reward disappears once I hit ilvl 375 at ilvl 374 it showed a 382 weapon was the reward.
i am also seeing no reward, but my friend sees a 382 weapon.
im 367 and i cant see the reward, im not going to until a fix is in place i guess
having the same issue
This same bug has happened to me.
I had an item there for the reward and now its gone.
Is there a fix for this coming or is this intended?
I was excited as that item was an upgrade but seeing nothing now is not fun at all.
I am having the same issues, world quest was showing 382 weapon and now it has completely disappeared from the world quest. Blizz needs to fix this asap.
i noticed when i went up in ilvl again my WQs rewards changed and the reward came back
this is wild, my world quests have to be bugged, my friends all have quests I don’t have, or the quest will have no reward…
Also had reward removed randomly. Cant see any reward
Reward was a visible 382 weapon for me (paladin), friend (warrior) had no visible reward. Upon completion both of us got 3 primal chaos, I also got the listed weapon.
Do not complete this wq if the reward is blank, it will actually return nothing
I’m not sure what Ilvl it goes away or comes back , but so far still no reward listed for me.
Anybody seeing a fix for this yet?
No reward here on my warlock, ilvl 367.38 but my ele sham who’s like 355 sees two primal chaos.
No reward shows for me either and I’m only around 350’s lvl
Has anyone seen a fix to this world quest timers is at 1 days 16 hours and getting nervous we have no fix coming.
Mine is also blank, at 368 ilvl. Would also like to know what the issue is?
No reward here on my warlock, ilvl 371.13 but my ele sham who’s like 355 sees two primal chaos.
I also dont see a weapon, just two primal chaos
No reward at all for me too, anyone know of a workaround for this since blizz doesn’t seem to care?
I still don’t see a reward for this quest, has anyone tried completing it to see if it will give something its just not reporting?
I’d also love some clarification on why the rewards for my world quests have been changing. There was a weapon on a world quest that I was waiting to complete until I was higher ilvl, hoping the reward would scale upwards and it was replaced with garbage all of a sudden.