For Holy Paladins: How bad is Crusader Strike Costing 2400 Mana?

So, I’ve tried to play around on the PTR, but the lack of group content means all I can really do is a little practice whacking on a combat dummy, which isn’t really representative. So I’m asking anyone with more practice, or maybe those who’ve been in beta: How bad does CS costing mana feel?

At a glance I am not liking the significant chunk that leaves my mana bar every CS.

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I don’t understand the thought process of making us a melee healer and then making a non-heal cost us the resource we need to heal? makes no f’ing sense.


Our mana is pretty crazy right now, but this feels like way too much of an overcorrection. Crusader Strike costs as much as a Holy Shock! And if you don’t have wings up, that means you’re spending 3x what you normally would just to get to a refreshed HS.

that mana we need for it gets converted to Holy Power which is then used to heal. So just consider the mana cost to be included in the Word of Glory heal and Light of Dawn. If CS did not cost mana, it would be the only class to have relatively easily accessible heal which costs nothing to cast. You’d be able to constantly AOE heal while at 0 mana.

Yeah but paladin is the only class forced to spend mana on a non-healing spell, in order to heal.


If every class would be the same the game would be balanced. There also would be no point in having classes.

You’re confusing balance with bad design.


Why is it bad design exactly? The reason you give seem to suggest it’s bad design because it’s not like other classes, and you want it to be like other classes. It’s a unique design being forced to spend mana to do both damage and healing after. But not that unique. Discipline also has to use mana to do damage and healing.


Disc casts spells that do damage, and a fraction of that damage its applied as healing on certain targets.

Holy paladin has to use 2 gcd on a non-healing spell, in order to be able to cast an actual healing spell.

Hardly similar.

Now, imagine healing Cragmaw (Underrot 2nd boss) on a 20+ Tyrannical run. Can you allow yourself to spend 2 non-healing gcds during Tantrum? Keep in mind that your partners may only have defensives for the first OR second Tantrum.


Not to mention word of glory is pretty weak. If it was some awesome mega heal then it might be worth it, but its not.


That is the overall design philsophy, but you are still pretty low of mana

2x crusaderstrike, 1x holy shock, Total 7,500 mana (7.5%) to do Light of Dawn, which heals for a fraction of a Wild Growth which requires only one gcd to cast.

Not to mention, in downtime when you really just want to contribute dps, you cannot because it costs mana to do so. Similarly, things like Wrath do not cost mana for druids as an example.


Druids also have a full DPS rotation through catform which uses exactly 0 mana in the process for downtime.

We now only have judgement (a long CD) and consecration (useless damage) for downtime.

It’s not even that I’m opposed to CS having any sort of mana cost, but costing as much as a holy shock seems ridiculous compared to other healers.


No matter how you slice it a WoG/LoD is not worth 42% base mana plus 4 GCDs.


It’s bad enough that we have to spends GCDs doing dps to generate points to heal. Adding a mana cost to Crusader Strike was even more insulting.

We need to lose Holy Power and our Mastery.


I like the idea behind holy power, but to me it doesn’t feel like its worth casting our spenders to heal, but that could be numbers tuning if anything.

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whoever is in charge of class changes is very stupid, and really needs to learn how to do some math. I get the reasoning behind giving crusader strike mana cost; since it equals to 1 holy power & once you get 3 you can get WoG which cost no mana. So it makes sense to make CS cost mana, but for it to not cost 1/3 the mana of Holy Light is very stupid; and like I said, they need to learn some math.

They need to build in a weaker effect of Avenging Crusader into Crusader Strike, holy is suppose to be a melee healer; but blizz is so stupid that they keep on putting abilities that work better for a range healer into the spec. If you turn all Disc Priest abilities into melee range, they will make a better melee healer than Holy pally; its amazing how stupid the devs are.

Also WoG needs to be off the GCD, its stupid that it’s on it since it already requires 3 GCD just to get it to work. And either Consecration needs to heal as well & generate 1 holy or remove Light of Dawn as a holy power spender.


Judgement generating Holy Power would be a really welcome addition, too.

I’ll probably still wind up maining Hpal but man, this has to be my least favorite iteration, including previous versions with HP.

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The devs should establish what 1 holy power is worth in ‘mana terms’ and apply that Logic.

I still believe CS shouldn’t have a Cooldown on any Paladin spec.


Was messing around on the ptr and it’s possible to oom from a rotation of just judgement/holy shock/crusader strike. Are the mana ratio’s and regeneration on beta any different from ptr?

Every other healer can actively contribute dps without endangering his mana pool, seems really bad design that holy paladins can oom themselves in that regard.


That’s the weird thing; it feels like their goal to force us into alternative playstyles is just to make our optimal build spend all our mana?

What’s even more strange is that Discipline Priest performs even better than us right now and they’re getting buffed, meanwhile we’re getting nerfed into the bottom ranks of healers? For some reason?

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