For Goodness Sake, Update the Human/Belf Paladin Mounts

Reasons they need updating and counter-arguments for people who (for some inexplicable reason) think otherwise:

  1. They’re ancient. If you want ancient, you can now play WoW Classic.

  2. Old mounts CAN get updated, just like old pets, as seen with the Amani Bear mounts.

  3. Unlike other mounts, Paladin mounts are very important to the class identity. They even have an ability that summons them in battle (Divine Steed). Yes, we can replace that ability with the Legion class mount, but it’s not race-specific and thus lacks the sense of identity. It can work for Human, but not Blood Elf.

  4. Did I mention they’re ancient? Compared to the new racial Paladin mounts, they look like crap.

Now, I’m not saying CHANGE the look. Just UPDATE it with better model/textures. Don’t give blood elves a freaking hawkstrider or something lame like that. Just make them look nicer. Pretty please, Blizzard? Better use of time than adding a rollercoaster to Darkmoon Faire, neat as it is…


Wait. How do you change it with the Legion one? As far as I’m aware the only glyphs that affect it are glowing sparkle sparkle and changing the whatever racial you have to the old horse.

I used the Argent Charger all the time on my paladins, now I can’t anymore, it’s such an eyesore (sadpanda). So I use paladin Legion mount or Tyrael’s Charger.

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I like the mount.

So? People still like them. It’s not all about you.

And new ones can be made. That’s why you have a new Pally class mount. More mounts and those who like the old ones don’t get screwed.

So is every other class mount. And you have five.

So use the new ones and let others enjoy what they like. Again, not all about you.

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You can unlock glyphs for class mounts in your class hall via an npc : )

I pretend the bronze courser mount is an updated version until something better comes along

I use that one with the glyph but since race changing to zandalari the horses dont match so well : /

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No, I enjoy my Thalassian charger. My faithful steed has served me since the great Cataclysm.

Your strange “it’s not all about you” snapback doesn’t refute anything I said, lol.

And I would be fine with an option to choose a new mount or the old one… as long as the new one actually looked like a HD version of the old one, which the Legion mount does not.

And what option does a Blood Elf currently have? None of the Legion horses look remotely like the Blood Knight charger. None are black/red or red/gold. The sad silver/red option doesn’t look blood elven at all.

Weird how some people don’t want nice new things.


Have to say that’s a big “no thanks” from me. I would love an update, but I frankly just don’t trust Blizzard’s art team any more. They’ve butchered almost every animation that they’ve touched since WoD ended.

Avenging Wrath, Divine Storm, Judgment, Holy Light, Templar’s Verdict, etc, you name it.

They did get updated. Sadly when they made Legion Class Hall mounts. Paladin and Warlocks both got an update.

What they should have done though is given them wings to separate them from the original mounts they got. Can you imagine a Pegasus mount similar to Tyral’s Charger, and then a Dark Pegasus demon horse for Warlocks???

Really all they need are some wings and boom sweet updated mounts.

All the old mount skins should be updated to new assets. If you wanna see low res junk Classic if there for you


No. I’ve spent a lot of time collecting mounts across various toons and classes. I want the mounts I collected, not some stupid Mount Version 2.0. Adding new mounts (attainable by various ways) is fine. Essentially removing beloved mounts is not fine.

Only if we get updated DK horses first. yall already got updated mounts

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I’d kill to see a new charger for blood elf paladins. Not to mention some actual blood knight gear… cough Blizzard…

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There’s a red option that would look fine for Blood Elves IMHO:

Tauren and Draenei Paladins need updated mounts too… and Lightforged Draenei deserve their own Paladin mount…

Didn’t Blood Elf and Human Paladin Mounts already got an update in Legion?

Does that red & silver horse with glowing blue highlights really say “Blood Elf” to you? It looks nothing like the Blood Elf aesthetic. Blood Elf stuff is typically red & gold with green gems, or black & red (blood knight).
I’m not sure WHAT they were going for with that red & silver & blue thing, but it doesn’t fit the blood elves.