So I chose to start doing arena on probably the most difficult class because its my favorite. I have had someone tell me that my rotation on Assassination is not correct and that its way more complicated than what i was doing. They told me to try Sublety and i did and that seems really complex as well. This is my first class that I am trying to learn and improve in Arenas’ since i wasnt to get better at it. Should i put Rogue to the side and start Arenas’ with an easier class and spec?
If you haven’t played Rogue before both are hard to play.
If you have experience then I would say Sub is harder because being able to do damage without burst CDs up takes a lot of practice.
Assassination is challenging for new players in PVE and PVP because of energy and so much to manage on multiple targets.
Sub is probably the absolute most hardest to get the hang of when you only have 8-12 second burst windows that can be immediately rectified in healing if the stars arent aligned correctly.
With sub you have to lead the whole fight and know when to bomb/duel/cc to extend your kill window time.
With assassination you essentially sap someone and open with 2x garrotes then rupture, shiv bomb kingsbane deathmark then spam fan of knives for combo points and keep up rupture/garrote on everyone you can. The bleeds to the work. You can stay and just roll bleeds all game. mutilate uses too much energy so it isnt used very much. and looking for kill windows as assassination isnt near as hard as sub. bleeds, look for a good time to kingsbane. and remember that garrote/rupture out of stealth is aoe, shiv is always aoe. you make them RP walk while bleeding them down.
entirely depends on your comp and what you’re trying to do in the comp. Sub is the hardest to master by far however with a small spreadsheet in front of you explaining burst/openers it gets easier and these you can practice on dummies. Assassination is literally impossible unless you’re with a strong group that can force defensive cooldowns for you to come in and put pressure on targets.
As someone already mentioned the opener+burst on assassination. However, all of that is insta countered and all off your damage is completely prevented with a bubble or stoneform rendering you worthless for at least another minute at best. Assassination requires teamwork to actually be affective or else it will not function in pvp against anyone that knows what they’re doing.