For anyone that plays PVP:

Yes, Blizzard always make the same classes op, while neglecting all the others. They love Pallys, Hunters, and Druids, basically. Not surprised at all.

There is no situation where Blizzard should ever balance anything around people who turn off EXP. Ever.

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Templates, everyone same ilvl in levelling BGs. Enchantments turned off.

Now, Jim who is levelling his warrior and is 29 has the same effective power as Bruno who twinked out at 29. The playing field is now equalized.

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They make adjustments based on performance in ranked 3v3.

Uhhh, sure, but not really Hunter, especially Marksmanship.

Anyone who plays BGs knows how insanely OP hunters are. Its why they make up 30-35% of all my Bgs… They are usually 2-3x higher in damage then the second person…

It is exactly these 2 attacks that are the OP ones, and they just gave one a 15% buff and the other a 10%.

and the playing field is also now incredibly boring

good thing nobody listens to opinions like yours, they would legit ruin this game

MM was underperforming in arena because they don’t have a lot of defensives so it was pretty easy to shut them down compared to BM hunters who deal mostly passive damage through their pets.

However, this is definitely not the way to buff them. Any time MM is underpreforming they just buff AS and RF to absurd degrees. For some reason they’re just allergic to giving hunters more defense.

Hunters don’t just dominate twink brackets they’re the pvp overlords of the whole game. This is just one more reason to quit the game.


Well, not that I necessarily disagree with it being boring but it is a solution. . . Not even sure I would like it myself.

I also appreciate the passive aggressive comment, may your day only get better from this point on.

Of course you did. But most twinks are anything but trash. They are good players who like to gear up low level alts and run them in bgs or dungeons. The idea that players who have more patience, persistence, and skill at gearing up than you are “trash” is hilariously false.

People who still twink are doing it in twink brackets. People didn’t used to hate twinking until BfA, when Ion decided to require elite PvE-ers to farm massive amounts of honor on all their alts to get legendary essences. He removed twinking from regular brackets and put in party sync. Those PvE-ers who basically hated PvP now could team up with their mythic raid team members to farm low brackets for easy kills.

Twinking is something that Blizzard decided retroactively was degenerate behavior, but it’s fine for high level players to farm graveyards in low brackets and be rewarded with the best gear in the game for doing the easiest content in the game, and driving noobs from PvP forever. See shadowlands PvP gearing.

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Are you playing Random BGs?
I suggest that you buy some of the PvP consumables.
I use the Potion of Defiance and pop it right when they are about to get a Sniper Shot off on me… then when they use all their cooldowns(?) on you, you have a greater chance at life!

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The balance right now is so bad that almost every BG is feast or famine. So boring…
It all depends on who has the most hunters or DHs.

If they’d just buff my grip by 100 yards and have 6 charges, I’d be a happy DK against Hunters and mages

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

I would be happy if they buffed my LB to something a bit stronger than wet noodle.

Why are you looking at damage done?

They want to kill Shuffle

I switched MM after hearing the news.

No longer will I be the victim of MMBS, I will be the distributor of MMBS.

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Because when its that skewed, it matters…