I spent over 2 hours trying to fish every Mechagon fish up again after doing it on a low lv and forgetting how squishy mages are come to find out if you have unlocked the fishing Googles on one character all you need to do is go to fishing NPC on Meghagon and buy them off of her lol put in a ticket to a GM asking if I could get the googles again if I fished up every fish again and they said yes…they did not tell me the vendor had them so just putting this out there for anyone that does not realize this. Btw if you go for the 2nd achievement for the secret fish your going to find that some of them cannot be clicked on and vanish it is not your game going it blizzard has yet to fix the fish so your going to encounter some bugged ones you cant click on.
Btw this has to do with the achievement The Secret Fish of Mechagon