For any leveling during the event, how is it? 60-70 specifically

I found doing the 2 big bosses like Hogger, Stitches, Gahzilla, Mosh & the 2 in DB plus the bosses worked. Except when they bugged of course. Typically 30k xp and the 225 currency. But sometimes it would only give me 9k and 25 currency when it bugged for some reason.

I suck at playing rogue and fully admit it. I just never play it and gear is still ZM vendor gear

wait until someone has agro on a bunch of mobs, and run in and fan of knives.
the xp from the little dudes adds up

I took my bank alt rogue from 63-70 in 252 gear in about an hour or so running around doing the mini-bosses and such in the event. Each completed task or miniboss gave around 15-20k xp or so, even if I just hung around the area until it completed.

She did crappy damage but as long as there were others in the area doing stuff it didn’t matter.

This worked too.

It’s smart use of time to use prepatch events to gear alts that you don’t use too much, I recently only kept 1 max level character but with remix and this event I’m adding 3 more characters to the list.

For what its worth, I feel its faster than standard methods, I don’t got no heirlooms nor anything to max exp rates, but it also depends on your sharding? one group took forever to kill ragnaros while other instances were just tank and spank.

Seems pretty fast to me. I’ve leveled 5 alts in the 61-65 range within what felt like just a few hours, plus getting the currency to buy the mogs for all 4 gear types. All I do is go into whatever zone is active and fly back and forth between the mini bosses that say things like “memories of so and so” until the big boss spawns. Once that happens I just do it over and over until the next zone is active then go over there. Felt like I was leveling alts super fast, faster than any other way, maybe even faster than doing scenarios/dungeons/raids in remix, but can’t say for sure since I’m not technically testing it. Seems fine though if you want to level regular alts and get the items on the vendors.

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It’s fast, but really rough because the mobs and drops are scaled very poorly for anyone under 70 without all the gear.