For an Orc Shaman: Green or Mag'har?

This question is for those of you who: 1) enjoy playing the Shaman class and 2) prefer to play as an Orc. Is there a reason why one type of Orc would edge out the other?

I currently have two low-lvl Orc Shamans: a lvl-13 green and a lvl-35 Mag'har. I honestly prefer looking at the Mag'har, as I think that they're even more fierce looking; still, I wonder if there's any good reason why a green Orc would edge out a Mag'har in terms of playing a Shaman.
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The biggest reason for me was the Ancestral Call is more interesting than Blood Fury. Secondary to that though was that I could be Orange instead of Green.

Last was the bonus HP for totems if I ever decided to pvp.
Green Orc Stun Reduction is HUGE in PvP if that's your thing.

I prefer Bloody Fury to Ancestral Call, because I know that I am getting a boost to my Intellect and I can gauge just how much damage/healing that will be, whereas the Ancestral Call is RNG based between your secondaries.

Mag'har looks better though for sure.
I race changed both my warrior and shaman from green to brown because Mag’har look superior.
The totems are amazing and the magma spewing out of the horn is majestic.
The racials however are better on the green skins but it’s not that big of an issue for me since I do not do top end arena content.
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Mag'har simply for the fancy totems and heritage gear. (Totem update for old shamans when?)
11/07/2018 11:16 AMPosted by Toybox
Green Orc Stun Reduction is HUGE in PvP if that's your thing.

PvP isn't my thing, so I shall stick with my Mag'har.

Mag'har looks better though for sure.

11/07/2018 12:25 PMPosted by Alyuzandro
I race changed both my warrior and shaman from green to brown because Mag’har look superior.

I agree: the Mag'har race is more visually appealing--in a super-fierce, even scary, kind of way. :)

The racials...are better on the green skins but it’s not that big of an issue for me since I do not do top end arena content.

Which means that the Mag'har racials won't weigh me down, either. I am free to remain Mag'har. :)
Pet damage > pet health
Main stat > rng secondary stat
Stun reduction > mount speed
New totems > old totems
Brown looks > green looks

So I’d say for min/maxing go green
For looks and immersion go brown
Honestly, I like having a slight increase to mount speed and reduced time for DoTs on myself. To each their own though.
I like hardiness, and I like the history of the freed orcs

they’ve dealt with more hardship
11/07/2018 04:49 PMPosted by Rakruwah
I like hardiness, and I like the history of the freed orcs

they’ve dealt with more hardship
you got a point about the story.
I definitely felt a strong attachment to my green skin. All the years of hardship I spent beside my warchief through WC3 onto the founding of Durotar.
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...I’d say for min/maxing go green
For looks and immersion go brown

11/07/2018 05:44 PMPosted by Alyuzandro
I definitely felt a strong attachment to my green skin. All the years of hardship I spent beside my warchief through WC3 onto the founding of Durotar.

I've decided to continue working on my Mag'har Shaman and let my green girl percolate for the time being.

I'm a PvE player and don't need to top the charts in dungeons/raids down the road; also, the looks/immersion aspect of the Mag'har speaks to me. I chose the Shadowmoon clan, because, according to the lore--which I'd not known about until watching a video about the Mag'har--a Shadowmoon with white face paint (not the white body paint) indicates a Shaman who's marked as dead by her master and/or people. For some reason, that makes her seem even more tough in my eyes.
I like the blood fury racial, combined with spirit wolves, and my first trinket for bigger burst. I'm not a fan of the random nature of ancestral call. If you don't care about racials, I would go with mag'har, they just look awesome.
11/07/2018 03:04 PMPosted by Cogblocker
Pet damage > pet health
Main stat > rng secondary stat
Stun reduction > mount speed
New totems > old totems
Brown looks > green looks

So I’d say for min/maxing go green
For looks and immersion go brown

Yep, this is spot on.

Mag'har in heritage armor looks so nice in game. Feels great when throwing around fire'n'lightning.
That's like asking after you wipe do you prefer to see green or brown.

I really couldn't help myself.
11/08/2018 03:06 PMPosted by Madalynn
That's like asking after you wipe do you prefer to see green or brown.

I really couldn't help myself.
An Alliance female Panda resorting to poop jokes, typical.