Yesterday I made the run from Theramore to Ashenvale, and picked up the flight path in Astranaar while I was there. I also got the flight path in Stonetalon Peak. Today I want to go back to Ashenvale, so I took the boat back to Theramore, went to the flight master, and was told “You don’t know any flight locations connected to this one.”
Which flight path do I need to pick up so I don’t have to run through the Barrens every time I wanna go quest in night elf lands?
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Ratchet is the closest. Off the top of my head there are a couple of stops after that to Ashenvale. Can’t remember exactly what they are though.
Desolace if I’m not mistaken.
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Like my fellow hunter said, desolace
Oh, I didn’t know there was a flight path in Ratchet! I’ll head there. So much walking in this game lol
Do you mean all of Kalimdor? Directly I think it connects to Thrallnar (Thallnar?), the first flight path in Feralas as well as others mentioned here.
Others are Feathermoon, one way up in Felwood and Winterspring I haven’t achieved (yet) and I cannot remember if there is one in Azhara(sp?).
Try that first.
Alliance flight paths are wonky in North Kalimdor.
Even with Ratchet idk if you can fly right to Ashenvale from Theramore as crazy as that sounds
I’m not sure. I remember there was some wonky stuff with flight paths back then. It may need Darnassus or the one in eastern Ashenvale. But I also have to wonder why you didn’t just take the other boat from Menethil since it goes to Darkshore directly. Make sure you have Auberdine when you get there too. I know Auberdine connects to it. I always take a boat over and grab Theremore, then ride back and take the other to Darkshore and then recheck to make sure they connected.
I did a d’oh myself the other day. Went over for my succubus quest. I went to Auberdine and ran down to Ashenvale. After I was back in SW area, I realized I forgot to grab any FPs in Ashenville. At least I did get my party girl.
The most direct flight may involve something difficult for Alliance to grab at Ashenvale quest level. Like the one in northern Desolace or even something in Faralas.
Though the Alli FP at the top of Stonetalon is pretty close to Ashenvale as well…
Wait, there’s two boats from Menethil??? I did not know that
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I believe it can be conected with Darkshore (yes, it’s further than Ashavale). U can easily test because Wetlands has boats for Theramore and Darshore.
Oh my god I wish I knew about the darkshore boat last night. I wasted so much time!!!
it has to go through desolace. Probably something related to not invading thunder bluff airspace.
Ratchet, west edge of Feralas, and Gadgetzan.
The easiest way to get to Tanaris (Gadzetstan) is to swim the coast from Theramore to Tanaris at low level. It’s not as long a swim as it was in the original game, and mostly easy to avoid mobs in Tanaris.
By the way, the Rachet FP. If you went there through Kalimdor via the boat from Menethil to Theramore, while in Rachet you will notice a dock. Take the boat. You will end up in Booty Bay. That is a very important FP for Eastern Kingdoms.
Yes. North one to Darkshore, south to Theremore
Don’t feel bad. I’m just as confused when I play Horde toons (and sometimes confused in general because I’m getting old