This was incredible. You know who isn’t worried about Covenants, Torghast, or Conduit Energy? These guys. The most fun I ever had in WoW was on Moonguard. Not talking about the Goldshire shenanigans either, because yes that is a thing too.
Roleplaying is cringy.
Also, twitter? oh man, im outta here!
Bye bye.
hard pass …
We’re roleplaying all the time in real life if you think about it
Very nice to see folk rping for fun.
My problem with role playing in WoW isn’t the role playing.
I just think there’s better games for it
There are certainly games with better systems for it, but I dont think there is a better setting than Azeroth. And 90% of RP is what the people communicating make of it.
You mean I’m NOT a world-famous professor of Archeology at a prestigious Italian University, when I’m not spying on Israel for the Russians?
It’s true. I’m not. I’m just an accountant from Cleveland…
Or am I?
RP is the only thing keeping me playing. TBH. I love the world so much, And I hate that shadowlands dosen’t fit with my RP style of grounded not god killing aventures.
Just a bunch of alcoholic, orphans, and crazy people trying to keep the little towns of Darrowshire, Elwynn and Sentinel Hill safe from bandints, murlocs, and undead, now that our guards are all deminished after the 4th war.
Oh, man, I really love milita RP
Press X to doubt, I’m on to your shenanigans OP
RP is what keeps me on this game, honestly.
I found me in that picture! TOA was/is wonderful.
Here’s a separate screenshot I took.
I mean, this is a ROLEPLAYING game. You must hate D&D too.
says he on a roleplaying game forum.
You might think it’s cringy, but he linked a Tournament of Ages tweet. Those people go all out, including providing things like art and such and raising real life money for charity through RP functions and such. Tournament of Ages is a good cause.
MG is a good time if you actually give it a chance.
I can’t remember a person on GD that has ever said they have absolutely never made a toon on MG, and I feel like a lot of people who bash it probably secretly still mess around there.
Yet here we are playing a Roleplaying game
True. It jsut be nice if we had some consistency to get some proper RP flowing.
In eve I do faction warfare with an RP influence. That game has never had the lets have minmatar and amarr races get along. Ergo I am always 100% in character hunting down amarr players and NPC’s for what they did to my minmatar brother and sisters.
Wow…the RP has no flow. Grrr I hate you baine from llate legion BFA stuff and backing the horde on years of invasion in kalimdor. you are scum. Let me unlock your chains, help you up, take you to a safe place. Wait, what?
No matter what my actual interest in RP may be, the community alone is worth sticking around on an RP server - even MG!
Yeah, you get the occasional bad eggs, but people are overall just so much more patient, supportive, and most importantly, chill. Anyone who’s willing to spend hours writing with others probably won’t mind if a dungeon run doesn’t go perfectly, for example.
If you ask me, the real nerds are the ones getting explosively mad that their dungeon run took 5 minutes longer.
… And yeah, those events are just fantastic. I wish they happened more often.