it kinda makes me sad because my boyfriend has a bunch of online friends who he’s known for years. they play a variety of games together and have fun. i feel bad to admit it but i’m super jealous of that lol. i want to join a guild to have a sense of friends and community. i think if you have your group of people, things will be ok for you.
You’re not wrong, but you should be. There are still those of us who played this game when you were wrong. Wanting that back isn’t wrong. Can it happen? I don’t know. Worth trying though.
This is like 95% of the player base that plays WoW these days, and this mentality is common among a lot of modern gamers too. Probably a reflection of society as a whole.
People are here just to consume and nothing more. Immersion and forming social bonds is not a priority for many modern MMO players.
If you want socialization, WoW is probably one of the worst games to find it in. The community here is a toxic cesspool of me first players that are only in it to consume the content like locust.
I’m not saying it’s a thing in retail. I’m saying I want it to be and it could be, but Blizzard needs to push for that a bit because as it stands we’re in a gogogoogoggo mentality that rewards just grouping with aotc/ksm rather than building up new players.
I mean, not everyone is there for the chicken and the chicken alone. Some people still want to make friends, add to, talk on Discord, do more runs together, etc.
I mean… you don’t really have a frame of reference if you didn’t play classic now, do you? The people may have changed, but there was still a community.
See above.
With server identity, no m+ or forcing a time limit, the players were leagues more kind than in retail. I’m not saying they can remove all the mistakes they did to destroy that in retail, but they could try put in new things to promote this instead of some crappy new flight system.
I mean… I did see all the posts about “toxic” behavior and a “toxic” community in classic. I would never waste my time playing “something vaguely like” vanilla again.
waves to Ellianaone waves to Paeldryth waves to Ianthus waves to Orctang waves to Nalin waves to Riidley waves to Tovi waves to Magorok backs away from Saángreal waves to Tahbitha waves to Siersha waves to Felix waves to Betrollinmon waves to Mokrawr waves to Mowlaram waves to Kathleen waves to Cur waves to Minnienuker waves to Stradkiller waves to Ellianaone waves to Norinila waves to Zyxel
j/k … waves to Saángreal too
( I hope this helped? I was going to look up each of your profiles and try to do a custom message based on my read of your playstyles … but … well … I guess I’m not that committed to trying to be the change in the world )
I’ve found in retail it just takes someone to initiate it.
Send out a few btag friend invites after a key and guaranteed they’ll accept. They just say something like “hey that was a nice run, want to do another now or maybe some other time?” Do this a few times and before you know it you’re friends list will be flooded.
I should say you should try and do that with people at a similar level/gear as you. Playing a 250 alt in +8 keys and trying to constantly friend 2800 io 278 players who are just trying to farm valor or something probably won’t go well. The expectation gap is too large.
Friendships online, just like RL, come from repeat interactions and develop over time. Nobody becomes best friends with anyone from a chance 1 time meeting.