For 2 years my talents have been bugged

On this death knight, I cannot unselect Unholy Pact, the ability does not even work for me, I have made dozens of reports about this and nothing, I cannot even unselect other corresponding talents near it like Eternal Agony, even time I right click to deselect it, I go up in talent points…???

I have a picture of this problem, like what in the actual #$%& I have been dealing with FOR 2 YEARS!!!


I’ve also been dealing with a major issue regarding my abilities for 2 years

I’m truly gonna lose my mind about this one because it doesn’t look like it’s gonna be fixed any time soon, I have reported this myself as well like 6 times now both in-game and on the forums and this has been on-going since Dragonflight prepatch. Seems a lot of bugs have been.

Had to laugh when I saw this. I just ran into and reported this bug on my level 80 UHDK, and so now it has been around for at least 2.5 years. Since it looks like they will just never fix this, I guess I play the build with unholy pact, or I play blood or frost.