Foolish thoughts

So I just seen the Doronsmovies video. It suggests that the Dreadlord agents across all cosmic realms will coordinate an attack on Azeroth. Maybe a Light invasion to weaken us just as the Scourge did before the Legion.

It got me wondering about the Shadow and Light with the three expansions. Perhaps it’s not going to be a void invasion, maybe it will be the two sides working together to keep the twilight balance of things.

I like to think that War Within will be that sort of civil war and with Light antagonist fighting as we get undertones of void and knifu shenanigans.

Midnight won’t be the darkest hour of the series where the Void seems to be in a strongest position of the three part series. Instead, it might be the point which Danathreus and the Dreadlord coordinated invasion comes in. Midnight will then be taking on the meaning of times up for that assault by the Dreadlords, rather than the darkest hour which invokes some sort of void dominance.

The Last Titan will probably be about Tyr, but I don’t know how the title would tie in more deeper than that. I’m too stuck right now on this idea that life is a misnomer as the opposite to death. Sort of like how time is not a dimension, even though it feels like one.

Or the other one I’m stuck on, how Light and Shadow, Order and Chaos all seem like forces of nature while life and death, mostly because of Shadowlands, seem manufactured and relativistic.


We might not be able to avoid an invasion if it comes to light.

I’ll see myself out.


I mean, it would make sense.

We’ve thwarted the Fel many times, and the Void many times now, both as the sole threat we were faceing.

We’ve juggled a war with the Blue Dragon Flight, the Scourge and the rising of an Old God simultaneously.

We handled a cataclysmic all-in world war as well as the rise of Deathwing and the infiltration of the Twilight Hammer Cult in both of our Megafactions.

Its clear that, so long as the threat is obviously a hazard to everyone, we’ll work together against it even if its in the middle of stabbing each other to death over a shiny MacGuffinite.

But what if its something close to us? The Light is revered across the Alliance and even within some sections of the Horde, and unlike the Scarlet Crusade, isn’t couched in overtly racist tones.

Who’d raise their hands against Life itself?

Who’d say no to the Titans showing back up to ‘help us’.

Having us fighting the Void and the Fel while Life is recklessly trying to repopulate the planet and disrupting our nations and supply lines, while the Light keeps trying to force us into submission for our own good, while the Titans keep trying to reset everything and using all those facilities of theirs to cause chaos, while secret agents of all five of these Cosmic Groups are playing merry hell within our Megafactions, both sabotaging us from within and pushing us to war against each other, on racial, political, national and religious lines, would be absolute chaos and madness.

We would be overwhelmed by too many variables for us to keep up with. You can’t fight all of that single-handedly, and you can’t stop your own peoples’ faiths and ideologies from drawing them off to side with those Cosmic Forces without having to redirect your already limited resources to enacting martial law, which will inflame already strained situations.

And all through everything, the Dreadlords, being perfectly able to assimilate any Primal Force and hide their true allegiance, as well as being able to almost-flawlessly replicate any individual they desire, just keep fanning the flames and setting everybody else up for failure while they keep their eyes on the prize.

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If Blizz could just hire Gentarn to fix the story, we’d be good.


I’m going to miss when the game was about centaur weddings and punching dragons when I have to be a superhero and fight intergalactic battles between demigods and cosmic energies.


We really missed an opportunity for a follow up to the to “punch Deathwing in the face” quest.

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I feel like the further our wars get from human struggle (not capital H Human), the less interesting they are to me.

Garrosh was a pretty compelling villain for a lot of reasons, but his pride and fear of failing his people were really sincere emotional drivers. Even Sylvanas’ paranoia was relatable enough for her fans to be happy during BfA. But because these were human qualities, the story was easier to follow and be invested in because it was about people.

And yeah, I know, we’re fighting to protect life from being eaten by the Void or whatever…but come on, it’s a video game. Azeroth is threatened with destruction every three months. Every war has “death and destruction” as a stake, so it’s pretty much can’t be the only thing going on.

I guess Anduin is going to try to provide that humanity for us. But I’m still not looking forward to Blizzard saying “you can cure depression if you quest enough bear gizzards.”


This probably sums up my take on my lack of story interest more than just about anything.

I do enjoy reading and watching galactic overlords battle as much as anyone, but I’m not sure I enjoy being a part of it for two years worth of an expac.


People clamor a lot about how they preferred when we were nameless soldiers fighting on Azeroth rather than Chosen Ones fighting for Azeroth and I take that to heart. Because, honestly, we are at this really confusing point where we are simultaneously the most significant being in the galaxy and also completely removed from anything we actually care about.


It’s hard for me to feel much of anything for the next part of OH MY GOD THE WORLD IS ENDING, AND THIS TIME WE MEAN IT storylines.

Every single expac is going to KILL US ALL AND WIPE THE FACE OF AZEROTH.

I think that’s also one of the reasons I’ve enjoyed DF. I just ignored the main story. I’m so far removed, frankly I don’t even know if there is one. I have enjoyed the little zone quests and side storylines more than any BIG BAD WOLF they are throwing at us this time.

To compare to something outside WoW…

I had never read ASOIAF. I was a show watcher. I enjoyed the dragon battles, the white walkers (Amazingly grand of course) but I broke for Karsi, a character with only small parts in 2 episodes of the entire series when she froze at the sight of a child wight, because she could not bring herself to kill a child.

I hope someone gets back to writing a story that doesn’t have the world ending every five seconds.


This hits it pretty much on the head.
I think the really interesting villains (Illidan, Kael’thas, Arthas, Garrosh, even like Kil’jaedan) who had human emotions and human flaws. It’s one of those Shakespearean tragedy things where villains need to have been like fallen heroes with tragic flaws, but nonetheless with a plan you could totally buy into.


Dreadlords are not so cosmic, so they can be written with humanistic motivations.

The ideological battle between light and void is understandable, but their should be some areas were they are not in contest to make them relatable.

I’d like Blizz to detach all “things” from the cosmic forces and have them be flawed. No titan is a being of Order, just chooses to side with it. Naru aren’t avatars of the Light, just mostly light beings that claim to be the representatives.
Leave the true forces as so beyond everything we have seen, that they don’t make plans or mess with anything. Truly omnipotent. Let wonder and theory all keep a place within our minds and hearts. Never again state any explanation as a fact.