The question isn’t about which is best overall, obviously font, but rather is a Ilvl400 font better than a ilvl460 psyche shredder? Should I stick with the font or move to the psyche? The sims are close to identical.
Spec? Build? What’s your other trinket?
i have a 430 font and i got a 475 socketed shredder and i swapped. bloodmallet (which may be full of it) said without the socket font wins by 300 dps. WITH the socket its like a 100 dps gain to use the shredder and even if its a small dps loss its worth it to me cause font is evil. maing your raid grp wait 20 seconds b4 every boss pull, having to time it and remember to use it during fights only to have a situation occur where u need to hold ur combustion window like 10 seconds and lose its value… ugh
You should use raidbots.
true i should but honestly unless the font still CRUSHES the shredder even at 475 socket s 430 unsocketed, i hate the damn thing so much id be willing to take the loss. making the raid wait 20 seconds to pull each and every time, and more if theres a fast wipe is just sadistic
This is where I’m @ right now for the burst it isn’t too annoying besides the 20sec pull, but mid fight lining up all the on uses is pure pain.
Which spec/build are you talking about, and what is your other trinket? PS is BiS by a wide margin for forb build, for example. High haste build without an exaggerated burst phase that doesn’t benefit as much from int. Can’t give you accurate advice without more info.