FOMO, lack of quality control, not enough class fantasies (Update #4)

My man came into this thread with receipts lol


I have a friend who just joined the game, and decided to 100% the story as they wait for DF (not enough time left in SL for them to justify the purchase, so they’re keeping busy). They had to download an addon to show them where to go after they hit TBC.

There’s no longer a way to tell where you’re supposed to go next now that scaling is broken. I think the worst off is MoP, but WoD can send you in different directions - making you completely out of sync - very fast.

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Fun fact: If the game wasn’t designed to prey upon FOMO, Classic WoW would have no reason to exist. Because none of the content from Classic WoW would’ve been changed/removed.

Imagine a different world in which WoW had a more modular design that preserved each expansion such that if you go to that expansion’s zones, the game swaps over to that expansion’s mechanics. You never have to worry about whether anyone earned something fair because if you’re playing one expansion’s content, you’re capped to that expansion’s level and mechanics.

This was a stealth cataclysm hate post.


And he still doesn’t know how to use “FOMO” correctly

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Of course it is. The developers don’t take their own development serious enough apparently. Why would anyone else remove content where hard work was put in? It’s nonsensical and out of touch.

You are a RPer, you should know it better. Especially when it comes to representing characters based on lore.

The bigger problem is that Ion Hazzikostas’ team devalues everything with it. Instead creating incentives and evergreen content they remove them, for no logical reason but pride.

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The graphics are fine in modern standard and this is supposed to be a cartoon game and not one of those realistic games. (Also the character models have gotten a upgrade since Warlords of Draenor and slight enhancements in Battle for Azeroth) also most class has gotten animation upgrade during Legion and Battle for Azeroth.

The mounts in terms of updated models is that they want to make a separate one and keep the old ones as is (even though I disagree with that sentiment).

Heritage armor not every race will have nice sets due to their background and where they came from a lore / story perspective.

Heritage mount I have no issue here but if you’re talking about the mana mount that has blood elf stuff on it it’s not a heritage mount it’s actually a Dragonflight flight point mount.

FOMO events/sets/mounts this has always existed even in the inception of World of Warcraft (they want to have something that feels exclusive and stuff)


Then why did they gave them the Blood Elf colorization to begin with and not something neutral?

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That’s because the blood elves are following us to the dragon isles well a specific group of blood elves.


Just to add one more thing.

The mounts from Mists of Pandaria well specifically the domination point and lions landing ones are the new and updated versions of the old gryphon and wyverns for both the horde and the alliance.

I didn’t realize they had either… and it seems rather ridiculous that they did.

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This is a misconception.
These are Grand Gryphons and Wyverns. They are not the same even with the similarities. I left them out especially because it’s very easy to confuse both of them.

The displayed model from the 15th anniversary are the correct updated mount model.

There are two version to the mists of pandaria one is with armor and one without and the one without the armor are the actual version the updated versions.

If you do a side by side comparison the 15th anniversary and the pandaria one is the exact same but in white.

Because unfortunately they seem to have forgotten how absolutely bat crap crazy some of you are and “WHY DID YOU USE COLORS!!!” wasn’t something they thought they’d have to deal with

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I love FOMO stuff like the old mage tower rewards etc…and I’m not going to pretend that I don’t, having cool items people can’t get anymore is awesome.

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You are clearly named correctly. :joy:

Prepare for a hate storm, they are coming :grimacing:

Ion is the guy with the black qiraji mount. Of course he’s going to be in love with FOMO.

It really isn’t pride. They twice used the lame excuse that it was all the fault of people who haven’t worked their in years, for teaching them how to do things the old way, which is why we have shadowlands, because they couldn’t break free of that. As though any of those mistakes were the fault of people who left their employment a decade ago.

No, they are stuck in a false narrative that tells them that…

  • No one will leave. No one has ever left.
  • If they do they’ll be right back.
  • Anybody who really leaves, we don’t need them.
  • Devaluing old content is a great way to get people to stop playing it, and they will rush into end content where they can do chores all day.
  • The natural progression of the new player is to become hypercompetitive and understand everything about their class, their spec, the game in general, and end content specifically on day 2, so long as they are rushed to end content fast enough to keep them from finding out that a lot of people are unhappy with the game, because…
  • People are stupid. They don’t know if they’re having fun, so if forum trolls tell them they’re having fun, they’ll believe them, even if they’re not.
  • If they read in the forum that there are people who aren’t having fun, they’ll say to themselves, “If this person is not having fun, I’d better stop having fun, because obviously the fact that this anonymous troll is not having fun means I’m not having fun.”
  • The worse the experience they have in the game, the more it will inspire them to play the game like 3 full-time jobs so they can join in the toxic community and all be toxic together.
  • There is no excuse for not doing hard content. Forcing people who have chosen not to do hard content will make them love hard content and emulate the people who forced them to do it but have made it clear they want nothing to do with them.
  • Reimplementing failed systems of the past, like rank locked PvP gear, will succeed if they just keep trying harder, because eventually it will turn itself around and inspire the players who gave up after getting farmed in the graveyards in what used to be casual PvP to pay for carries so they can farm other players too. And do RMT carries so they don’t have to have a real job, just like real PvPers do!

All demonstrably false, but all beliefs held widely by a certain portion of the playerbase.


simply a charachteristic

Again, they are not. This goes for both sides. They are a similar race but not the same species used. The original mounts’ new version is not available in regular colors for the majority of players.

Actually they do. That’s part of the designing process. Your point makes from a professional point of view no sense.

I have never seen this working at all. People come to the forum to complain. Everything we don’t read on the forums is actually working.


I was asked to bring this up: Regular tabards and cloaks locked behind pvp and gladiator ratings or a BlizzCon ticket. The mounts associated with the BlizzCon ticket are subjective, because it’s more a super deformed edition of their respective mounts Should not have happened. Players are still stuck with Cataclysm faction pride items from 2010/11 for the most part, with a flag available to pvpers only through collecting an absolutely unreasonable amount much honor. People, who also got the flags back in Legion do not like this new system.

Thank you for the well written post.

I don’t like the hyper focus either. Examples include the removal of lore and story quests (MoP cloak, WoD ring). I also, didn’t like the outright removal of the old world and all the dungeons/mogs it came with. Blizzard in their infinite wisdom cemented WoW into a seasonal game. However, certain things are ok to be FOMO, in my opinion. Anything PvP related for the seasons is fine. It’s a ladder based system. Those rewards serve a dual purpose. It incentives people to chase the carrot, but also provides meaningful reward for those who enjoy it’s content.

The example you provided regarding what was clearly a Blood Elf heritage mount is on point. Those manawyrms have been with them since the original BC trailer before anyone knew what content lay ahead. I don’t know who approved it, and while I don’t play Blood Elves, the people that do and love them deserve better.

I have no idea what goes on at the company but it seems like the Art department/Graphic Design of visual of renders, are handcuffed at all times, chained to a project and any sort of deviation will destroy the entire fabric of reality as we know it. I skimmed through this thread and noticed you used the example down below of tabards prior to Shadowlands. It’s a bad look having to use some sort of belt that may match poorly at best just to close the gap. I don’t know what it takes but I’d appreciate them going back and closing it like they did with Shadowlands tabard appearances.

BFA for all it’s faults did have Warfronts. While they certainly could’ve tweaked them, innovated them, made them into some sort of PvP anything. They gave great transmogs to the races they hosted. I would’ve liked to see that ‘Barrens Warfront’ and can you imagine a Goblin vs Gnome Warfront. Wild.


They need to release more race and class fantasies in general, which is not part of the expansion flavor. Goblins can’t even use a rocket backpack although it’s available in the Lich King raid. Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy.