FOMO is unreasonable

I find it terribly frustrating when players are locked out of content and rewards simply as a matter of timing.

Many times it’s justified as the prestige of having achieved goals when a particular expansion or season was active, but I believe this is a self-defeating principle. I do not believe there is prestige in luck or timing, I believe in merit. There is prestige in saying, “I earned this through skill and effort,” but none in saying, “I was here in the summer of 2015.”

I know that WoW was not designed with evergreen content in mind like other MMOs are, so keeping old content fresh and challenging is not a high priority to Blizzard. Regardless, preventing players from earning rewards merely because they may have had a medical, financial or family crisis at the time, does not make those rewards “prestigious”.

I believe there should be a means to obtain older rewards, even if it requires high achievements in current content and going through some extra hurdles. Perhaps a bit like how rated PvP allows players to earn tokens for mounts, or something. But I find absolute lockout to be unreasonable.

What do you think?


If you didn’t play at the time and didn’t earn those rewards while not fun is just tough. When games release time limited items or rewards those a time limited. I wish I had the wooly mammoth transmog but I wasn’t playing when it was available.

This is more of an entitlement issue imo

I 100% disagree as the challenge is
No longer the same and can’t be replicated.

Mage tower is a prime example of this.


Isn’t time gating rather used to refer to things taking x amount of time due to a limited daily/weekly/monthly progression?

Fomo is more the term your looking for.

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I could not care less about old rewards or what they do with them.


And that argument goes both ways.

Hadn’t blizzard sabotaged their own game then they could have a much easier time maintaining past content and it’s rewards.

While seasonal rewards tied to certain game modes should have had a token system as well so that you can pick a choice between latest or past rewards.


No it actually doesn’t.

Classes change literally every expansion and there’s tuning every patch. The challenger would never be replicated the same. That’s why they are called seasonal rewards.

Mage tower perfectly showcases this and how that’s not a reasonable thought.

No they absolutely shouldn’t.


Ah, I believe you’re right. I’ll update the title, actually.

Its ok if 0.0001% of rewards are time locked.


Fomo is another buzz word and doesn’t really apply here as the rewards were removed before people were playing.

If I’m understanding your argument correctly.

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They aren’t mutually exclusive though. You could have earned it through skill and effort WHILE being here at the right time to do so.

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It very much does. It’s a digital game with digital rewards. There is no physical or storage reasons to why they can’t continue to distribute rewards. (With the exception of the bike due to legal reasons.)

So while people requesting the rewards return might be entitelment, the demands from others to keep the rewards locked away is also entitlement for it is trivial for blizzard to bring those rewards back, even with a comparable difficulty requirement.

Because? Personally i haven’t bothered with the pvp sets because quite frankly, most of the ones i fancy are no longer obtainable because reasons. The fomo nature also dissuades completists from participating because they know their collection can never be complete, again because of “reasons”.

And no I’m not advocating for the rewards to be just handed out willy-nilly.


It isn’t FOMO in this case, you’ve just M’edO. Sorry! There will be new limited time rewards for challenges in the near future. Plan to enjoy earning those!


Seasonal rewards motivate people to play content while it is current, rather than waiting six years for the right combination of scaling and out-gearing issues to make it trivial.

It also lets them control where and when people are playing the game most, which is important for managing expectations and driving interest in specific activities that supports groups and general public discourse about them.

Time-limited rewards aren’t going away. Might as well get used to it. The overwhelming majority of cosmetics in the game are not locked in any way. Go get those.


Something that doesn’t exactly work for pvp.

As for PvE then it mostly means that they made something fun again. And even then, the reward would be one item so you’d still be years behind on the collection.

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Still keeps people playing seasonally though.

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Hate to say it, RL takes priority over fake gold and pixels. I missed half of an expansion for medical issues. I had to unsub for a few months due to financial issues.

Life just be that way sometimes. The only person that creates FOMO is you. (general “you”, not specific you)


FOMO is a personal problem.

sorry if that comes off as callous, but I mean…it’s just pixels at the end of the day.


I literally gave you an example here that you ignored.

And again mage tower is a prime example of why you can’t replicate the challenge and why those rewards didn’t come back.

Again they can’t duplicate the difficulty and mage tower is a prime example of that.

They aren’t going to bring them back for that very reason and that there is a reason there are seasonal skill rewards.

They are time sensitive seasonal rewards. Not sure what you’re not understanding.

Fomo is an excuse and buzz word. It’s so people can blame something besides themselves.

Season reward means seasonal reward and the only entitled people are the ones demanding rewards they didn’t earn return.


It wouldn’t have been used had it simply been a personal problem. It’s a manipulative marketing technique.


Yet it does. You just wait for your spec/class to be broken and go collect all the sets you didn’t legitimately earn.

The entitlement is real.