Followers dungeons

How many of you uses this feature?

Like in terms of gearing or just completing quests.

I use it. Some things within it could use some improvements, especially how NPC’s sometimes get stuck on objects, but apart from that, it isn’t all that bad.

Did you report it?

No, I haven’t reported it, because there is a way to fix it when they do get stuck, and it is only happening in the one dungeon some of the time.

I use them, but due to the terrible XP, not near as much as I thought I would.

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I like to use it to try out different roles/classes to get a better feel for how they play. About it really.


I would only use it during the levelling phase of a new xpac. I like to read the questing and would like to just go straight into the dungeon for story purposes. It would also be good to do these with people close to me I know who have no desire to push content or deal with strangers. However once the mythic plus season begins I would just do that with friends.


For this game, they seem mostly pointless. The only reason they work in FF14 is because of the story elements they add to the dungeons.

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I tried it earlier today on Knee here, and the experience gain was not that great. Got a couple of pieces of gear, only one of which was useful. On the whole Im not wildly impressed about them. I think they would be much better off being scaled for levelling characters from level 10 up.


not personally because i am old and already i am used to terrible pugs. but i believe the newer younger people are

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I’d probably use it to get to the altar of decay in brakenhide hollow, but thats about it. And hopefully they never do anything as stupid as the altar of decay again.


I still have one left to do but I used it in order to complete a few quests.

I just came back and I dig them. I’m using it as a more realistic training dummy. Great for practicing my rotations in more realistic conditions.

I honestly wish I could ramp up the difficulty though. For now, I’m just pulling ahead of the tank, but as a healer I’d love to see there be a difficulty setting added just for training. No need to even include better gear as a drop just an optional thing. I’d love that.

This way I can practice high-pressure situations without risking wiping an actual group of hoomans.

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I used it the day it was implemented. I was bullying the NPCs in Brackenhide by life gripping them into whirlwinds / traps and pulling too much trash for the tank to handle.

Haven’t really had a reason to go back, but it’s a fun feature to blow off steam.

I use them while lvling to break up questing,
I also use them when I first hit 70 and I need a few peices of gear to get into heroics.
I also use them to rpactice muscle memory when I change keybinds or move things around.

One of the only issues I have is the Ai has a hard time with Los, I have noticed the ranged having trouble with pillars and stuff, also it feels like the run around pointlessly sometimes which leads them into LoS issues.

I used it when Im in the mood to run a DF dungeon.
Kinda burned out on them right now, though.

Used it leveling a new player so we wouldnt have to worry about anyone rushing him while trying to learn the basics for the DF dungeons.

Also use it on healers to get the free mage food before keys just incase.

I did 5 in April for the Trading Post task. They were so slow and boring, I wont be using them in the future.

I use it all the time. I love the dungeon loop. But I dislike speed running. I use it to level healers. I use it to learn new specs. I use it to gear fresh 70’s. I use it when I feel like doing a dungeon just about any old time.

I thought I would use them for learning normal dungeons, but by the time they came out I had already brute forced those. And the dungeons I don’t know because they have no normal version, there’s no normal version in follower dungeons either.