Follower raids?

Would you guys like to see follower raids? This would of course be in the lfr type setting and not super difficult, but considering the fact that they made follower dungeons than the same logic can technically be applied to raids?

And if not are you just against the idea completely? Or if you do support the dungeons but not the raids why not?



As long as raids are the conclusion to major storylines, they should be available for all types of players.


I see no reason not to add it as an LFR level, it might even increase enjoyment and therefore profits that blizz will 100% not pocket and put to bettering the game for all :smiley:

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I agree

Despite the sarcasm towards blizz :smile: I do agree it might help with enjoyment. I think lfr is easy enough but if their doing follower dungeons than creating follower story raids could only help those that want that.

I think as an LFR-equivelant, it would be nice. With LFR being the lowest bracket, I don’t think the majority there really wants to deal with strangers. New players or high-end players usually either want to see the story, get their loot / runs, or finish their quest.

I think Normal - Mythic covers the group-exclusive content well (in terms of raiding), adding a solo / follower raid option would be nice. Like a “story mode” scenario. As long as it wasn’t brain dead.


I figured i would throw in a little humor with the serious post. But yes, i think it would add to overall enjoyment and increase profits.

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Something I’ve noticed with follower dungeons, (Only did it once so if this isn’t accurate, I apologize), was that it was significantly slower than a normal dungeon run. Which I think is fine if you just want to see the dungeon for story/quest reasons. I like how this gives more reason for those to socialize and join a group, but still gives an option for those that are socially anxious.


From what i have heard, not sure how true it is, the followers adjust to the player. So the pace is on the player and not the npcs.

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ah perhaps I was just a little too timid on my mage than

Not saying that, i am just saying from what i have heard. My information could very well be wrong.

Why dont we just turn this into a single player game… My how 20 years has changed society. When I started UO back in the day everyone was happy to group, talk and in general socialize. Now everyone wants to be solo or to be able to do everything solo.


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People want to be solo because over the years the human race has become a toxic pool of hatred, because “I am behind a screen and you can’t touch me” mindset. Combine that with the if you even say something that hurts someone’s feelings you get banned, even if you did not say anything bad at all.

In short people are either to afraid to be banned for nothing or too sensitive( or use that as an excuse ) and report over anything and everything.

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So, you just don’t like the idea in general. That’s fine I do understand the sentiment. The game is less social than what it was.

I was just saying that if blizzard believes that everyone should be able to see the story even solo than the same logic would apply to raid as it would dungeon.

And personally, I’m fine with this if the story mode versions become “solo” it would still leave harder difficulty to groups.


Yes and whats next? AI for M0 and then put KSH DNA sure nornal heroic and mythic raid for AI and then AI for PvP?

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I mean the slippery slope can be used for anything. If it goes too far, I will speak out, but stopping something to stop some hypothetical future isn’t a great argument. Unless blizzard came out and said that was the plan, then of course I would speak out against it.

edit- I think the social element is important for mmos. Yet allowing people to see the story mode as “solo” doesn’t seem that bad too me. I think it may even encourage more players who don’t feel as gatekept from trying the game.

No. LFR is more than sufficient enough. Raiding is already stupid easy especially compared to mythic+ and split raid mechanics aren’t going to translate well thus Blizzard would have to gut raid mechanics even more making something barely above room temp IQ to do even less so. A fight like Raz and Sark is going to be a nightmare to program to accommodate the human player and all the permutations of mechanics and placements.

Just do LFR as a DPS and “mess up” (aka fall off and die at the start) and let the sentient NPCs do the rest of the work for you. If chastised, just say something like “damn lag” or “WTF I was in it” or whatever inane excuse people give to hand wave away incompetence.

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I certainly wouldn’t oppose it, but I’m not going to ask for it.

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Depends. Will the NPC followers be rolling on loot they do not need?


I completely agree that lfr is easy enough But so are lfd groups. Considering they added follower dungeons and want to give a “solo” story mode to people, then I think the same logic follows raids.

I can understand people being against it from the start, as I was iffy about the idea of follower dungeons. But it hasn’t stopped people from grouping and has just helped those that for whatever reason want that.

The same logic is applied to either. I suppose.

No but I could see them limiting what you can get. It definitely shouldn’t be more lucrative too do.

Yes I do support that. It would be really fun to have followers for old LFRs so I could enjoy those old raids at-level in the future.

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