Follower queues in world PvP

Good morning,

Follower queues are a feature that was introduced earlier in the expansion and it seems that the developers overlooked some of the ways it could be abused. It is a dungeon queue that pops instantly and has no penalty for leaving. The AI heals you to full health and you can even get mage food in some cases. Now, what if I told you I was able to make a macro that instantly queues you into these dungeons with one click? It took 10 minutes to make this. This feature is already being abused and ruins any sense of world pvp as when someone is about to die they just queue it up. This needs to be addressed, whether you disable the entire feature in war mode or not allow a queue when in combat, something needs to be done. I am willing to provide the macro if any dev sees this, but I wont post it here so it doesnt get abused even more.

Here is a video demonstration of how this macro works:
in combat demonstration of the macro:

Thank you for reading, have a great day.


Yup, very true. When you start to get really involved in WPvP and start making rivalries with certain players who are also stacking world buffs, you’d be surprised to see all of them using follower dungeon just to say that they didn’t “technically” die to you. They need to fix it so that you can’t take follower dungeon queues in PvP combat.

Another one people will often use is the “Stay a While” quest that you accept from the dwarf in Ruby Life Shrine. Quest will allow you to phase out and sit next to him, as many times as you want. This should also be changed and either not phase the player or not allow them to sit if theyre in combat


Yes! This needs to be addressed and fixed if blizzard wants to be creating a better WPVP experience. This follower dungeon and the “Stay a while” quest absolutely ruin WPVP engagements!


Your insignia was yummy :yum:

As a player who has been on the receiving end of this, I am urging Blizzard to fix this. There is a currently a player on Moonguard who has been abusing this for the past week and a half.


I’m pretty sick of getting jumped by people who just vanish into a follower dungeon the second they realize I’m not a free kill.
The consequences for them losing are virtually nonexistent and honestly it’s probably faster just to take the death and corpse run. It’s such weird petty behavior for someone to deny a kill like that.


That’s where you’re wrong. Losing in PvP has been an existential crisis of the soul. You’re toying with people’s mental health here. Grobbulus Alliance especially are so mentally unhinged; they won’t even take a winning D because that means it’s likely they can take an L the next time.

Even though Grobb Horde gets farmed in Tol Barad like gangbusters, if the same thing happened to Grobb Alli we could absolutely kill all PvP in the server.

Skill issue, dare I say mental issue if people are that scared of losing in PvP.

Regardless, fix follower dungeon queues.


I’ve seen a handful of people abusing this to get out of dying. Needs to be fixed.

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Boardwalk Empire on X: ““Nobody likes to [lose]. But we all have to learn how.” - Nucky Thompson #ALLin” / X (