Follower Dungeons - Initial Daily Limit

If you have a 180ish ilevel or so alt that is fresh to Dragonflight would you test that out? If it does scale off ilevel I’d be interested to see how well the group does at level 60 with that ilevel or even lower.

Think new player with trash questing ilevel going right in.

Oh nvm you did test that sorry I’m waking up. Not sure if I just skipped ahead in your post or you updated it lol, but man haha!

i did Brackenhide Hollow twice now with 180ish 64 tank dk and it was very slow.
first run npc-dps were puling mobs for no reason and were constantly dying of random stuff. took 40+ mins
second run i tried to roflstomp 3+ packs constantly. was as slow as 1st run wiped 1 time, apart of that the run was smooth but slow. took 40+ mins

IMO npc dps can use 10-20% buff if we are talking pure numbers

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Yeah the runs feel like old WoW community dungeon runs from before Legion. Group would take its time and pull small groups and not zoom zoom too fast. It’s not a bad pace imo and I don’t expect that to improve much which is fine. 30 minutes or so per dungeon feels kinda long but meh.

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azure vault 62 198 sham ench dps. 1 wipe on last boss due to all dps ignored crystalls including me. no death apart of that. 30 mins 2 pcs of loot
Very weird pathing there tho
49к exp rested

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Instances are more computationally expensive than the open world. They literally are doing this to keep bots from crashing servers.

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So has anyone hit the instance limit yet?

How long did it take?

Where you hitting the instance limit on other non-follower dungeons also?

TBC Classic says hi

If bots are the problem, just stop the run every few minutes and have a captcha come up. Cpt. Garrick can ask if you are human, and for most of us I guess technically the answer is no.

Honestly , yes. My weekend plans would be to go have a bunch of solo dungeon fun… until I tested it out. It is sooo sloooooow. There’s no way I’m doing 10 of these a day.

In other games that offer a similar feature… it’s not this slow. Or this bad.

Also… I rolled a tank and my group was all ranged. They were terrible. A hunter died on a boss. A mage died on a boss. They stood in bad. And they can’t figure out stairs and line-of-sight so I had to spank a set of mobs solo until they walked further into the room.

With the low xp and the time to complete… I’m only doing this when I hit the “oh you have a quest in a dungeon now” as part of my leveling up experience.

Bots playing with Bots has to be the greatest thing ever.

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This is preparing you for the real experience of live dungeons. Kudos to Blizzard for the realism.

At the rate they were going though… whew. That’s the one major difference. Like 4x as long.

I was doing the Centaur dungeon and the AI tank (who was leading) told me to either use a flight point to the next area or fly there myself. I was feeling lazy so I took the flight point.

During my flight, the entire AI party died. I have no idea why. They were standing right next to me when I took off.

I have seen quite a few pathing quirks with them but generally it has worked out. Since I haven’t been in any of these dungeons, I have been letting the AI tank lead.

lol. That’s an amusing one. I was curious if they would be able to handle that dungeon.

I did the uldaman dungeon. The line-of-sight issues were vexing with my ranged group. Like … why are you on the other side of the pillar in this big ol room?

It was mostly fine. Just quirky and very very slow.

I think they’re going to remove the daily cap later down the road

Did they ? Remove the cap ?

per WoWhead, it’s 50 now.

Well this necro is going to waste a lot of reader time.


I saw the title and was like “Wait, what??”.

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As someone using follower dungeons as their main source of farming, I don’t understand why there has to be a daily lockout. Why not treat them like regular dungeons and do the 10 per hour? Its rather frustrating. 24 hour lockout per account because they can’t figure out their botting situation is absolutely crazy.

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