Follower Dungeons and Questing

In the past, there have been professional quests or story quests that took players into dungeons. These fell out of favour in Legion and now in DF, dungeons are mostly ancillary to the story and have no connection to professions.
Enter Follower Dungeons, with the option of completing one level of the dungeons without relying on social interactions, is there a sense that dungeons no longer have to be isolated from the rest of the game? Can recipes, reagents, or requirements be attached to this instanced content again?


I wonder if there will be be questlines to obtain followers for your dungeon groups at some point. If you prefer outlaw rogue dps, you can do a quest to unlock the npc.

If any achievements will be derived from this instance content. Such as having followers at lower ilevels and still completing content.

I understand that isnt the case now.

I do wonder what the lifespan of this type of event will consist of once its all said and done years from now.

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If we could use our followers from the WoD Garrison, that’d be awesome.

I’d love to be able to do dungeons with Aeda Brightdawn.

I just wish they’d given more faction themed groups instead of this cross-faction one we’re stuck with currently.


I think that having some cosmetic influence on the followers would be cool. I think it would be yet another level of complexity to switch out a mage for an augvoker or a holy priest for a resto shaman. They would need to adjust the NPC behaviour accordingly which feels like a lot more heavy lifting.

Long term I think the followers will evolve and we will be able to customize them a lot more and do have more control over them. Having them at our Garrison is a great idea I age.

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With Warbands becoming a feature I think it would be cool if you could unlock the ability to have alts in the follower dungeons.