Follower dungeon/Alt dungeon

It would be really fun if they let us do dungeons with our alts. Like they do with Bran. Like I go in as one of my toons and another of my characters tanks oe heals.

I would love to use Warbands in a way that isnt just for sharing items.

I know im giving my opinion on something in the forums so some people will be upset I dare to do so, but I’d love this.


This might become a thing!


That would be awesome. I’m kind of dorky about mt alts and have stories for them and would if they got to interact!!


I’m glad you provided a link because these discussions always end up with me sounding ambiguous when I say “Holly hinted at this at a creators’ summit,” but yeah, this could be a thing and it literally helped me decide which alts I’d level first, because I wouldn’t usually prioritize getting a healer leveled early, and yet, now that’s the plan just in case!

I’d even love to see this go beyond just a cosmetic thing. Imagine if your item levels on your alts could be built up so you have a whole heroic dungeon team, and then you can actually run heroics on your own (or with ACTUAL friends in groups of 2-4) at the level cap! I think asking for M0 might be a but much but I mean… I’d take it!

I will say though that I do not expect every possible talent build to be supported in this way, and expect there to be templates based on hero talents, but again… so long as glyphs are observed and my designated balance druid isn’t a silly bird man when he’s an NPC, I’m happy!

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To run a herioc with characters i have been playing for this long would be a dream and even questing with them. So man possibilities!!!


There was another interview with Ion where it feels basically all but confirmed, for Follower Dungeons and/or Delves anyhow:

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If they could make it that we can run follower dungeons with our alts, that would be AWESOME!!!

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I kind of assumed when this expac had follower dungeons plus a warband, paired with the new and improved AI that first appeared in BfA, that warband dungeons would be a thing. Honestly I’m surprised Blizz hasn’t implemented it yet.

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Me too it seems like a slam dunk to me.