Follower Dungeon Healing Feedback

Hello Blizzard,

I think it is important to note that the follower dungeons require almost zero healing as compared to the average Mythic Plus dungeon with human players. The AI is almost “too good” and it is difficult to practice clutch healing situations on a class that is fairly new. The AI is always healing itself (average mythic plus players don’t seem to realize they have off-heals much of the time), and it almost never stands in fire, so to speak.

The suggestion? I feel like there needs to be an adjustment level of how “bad” the AI players need to be. Maybe have affixes for follower dungeons like “wrong gear priority” or “lack of self-healing” or “stands in bad” so players can work on these things with their current keybinds, test emergency macros, and UI functionality as I was attempting to do today.

They are normal dungeons, so they require the same thing normal dungeons require: a pulse and an internet connection.

I don’t mind the suggestion of bad’ing up the Ai though… :smiley:

Horrific Visions masks system?