In the past when I was interested in raiding I didn’t raid because I couldn’t find a guild or group that raided at a time I could with my work schedule.
I wanted to like it but I don’t.
I have tried a boss here and there but didn’t think it was that fun.
I did a run once with a guild before the guild went massive and only social.
I did a run with a pvp community I play with.
I pugged for another guild’s run.
Bleh. I just didn’t find it enjoyable.
Even aside from the fact that there is always ‘that guy’ it is too much a time sink for very little entertainment.
I love raiding. I want its entertaining gameplay and its phat loots.
I do raid but not that much. Maybe becoz I am casual now… less playing time but not noob. I PuG everything. Waiting for common PuG’s learning curve on heroic raid to catch up with mine is something I dont have as I have very limited play time. PuG’s learning curve is so slow becoz they tend to leave after a wipe or two. Every wipe, someone leaves… teaching people of the mechanics is not feasible becoz people wont stay. Me too, I wont stay. I will just wait until the PuG gets better… I am progressing at such slow rate: 7 out of 12. It’s all good. I am just casual anyway… again less playing time not noob.
Frankly it’s the community and attitude. People are not fun to raid with anymore.
Were you 12 or something?
Nope, probably about 19.
Edit: Not sure my comment abnout dead guilds applies to this Silver Legion guild this particular alt is in. I think Silver Legion had 700+ people in it super busy chats last time I looked, so I could probably find a group to raid with once or twice before they get tired of me. Pretty much all my other guilds are dead though.
Everyone else runs ahead too fast for me to keep up because:
I have a variety of vision impairments,
I only started in 2015 so don’t have all the old content memorized,
Even the noblest guildies on discord can only stand to run a dungeon or raid with me once or twice before they bow out,
Often find myself the last person in a guild talking to myself in guild chat,
I get booted from island expeditions I could solo, so little hope strangers will be better than guilds,
Sometimes the mechanics are a little too fast and scattered for my eyes to follow even when I know them
…so my vengeance demon hunter gets the X.3 gear and solos the X.1-X.2 patch dungeons into the ground and farms old raids for xmogs. Ditto for my BM hunter. Just got around to finishing this WoD Stormwind Guard xmog set!!! “That’s what I do. I think good.”
And for socialization I lose myself trolling trolls in the comments sections of youtube videos.
How does my guild suck while your GUILD barley did anything and will i insult your guild, no, like who cares and second of all, they have lives and jobs, we don’t want to be best of the best, who cares, first place never last forever.
There are reasons people don’t want to do mythic raids. So many people doing M+ dungeon so whats the point in doing mythic raids? Few high ilvl higher in mythic raid, big deal. I already did heroic so why should i do mythic?
I lack the time to be able to seriously raid.
Additionally, I did my time of raiding and having to listen to people, who take the game far too seriously, start screaming at people and losing their minds. Bonus points if it is a teenager whose voice is cracking as they try to berate other people.
I wouldn’t mind raiding again, but I would need a very chill group to do it with as it’s not worth it otherwise. I don’t need or want that kind of negativity in my life.
Back when I wanted to raid more, it was a combination of lack of time, and social anxiety.
Most of my guilds have been chill. 30-somethings and 40-somethings with maybe a 17-year old sprinkled in here and there. I’d refer you but they’re all gone now. Military getting deployed, newly weds changing priorities, family catastrophes, maybe some just got tired of managing a guild and joined someone else’s guild. Actually some pretty awesome people. Kind of sad seeing them slip away. Maybe fatigue with getting attached to awesome people who slip away is another reason.
Shadowlands is still far ahead. What do you do from now until Shadowlands? Alts? Is Heroic Raid the last raid dungeon?
I just cant get it. I should be on a different game if I am done with WoW. I am just curious of you and your buddies still playing WoW til Shadowlands when you havent touched Mythic Raiding. How about Mythic Wrathion, Maut and Skitra? Really? Your whole raiding guild just stopped at Heroic Nzoth and play alts?
I am a casual playing with PuGs and I am not rushing becoz people like you is like convincing me that when I get AoTC, my BFA gaming is done.
Like i said, why should we bother with mythic raid while im doing m+ dungeons. Who cares about mythic raids, its not for everyone, get over it. Cant force me to do mythic raids, get out of here. Let people do what they want which people have lives begin with and time schedule. Everyone different.
I really enjoyed raiding back when I did it. Started raiding in BC, raided hardcore in wrath (heroic 25 mans, would have been a CE guild if that existed back then), took a break in cata from burnout, and went to casual raiding in MoP. I enjoyed overcoming the challenges of high end raiding, and the camaraderie that came with it. I enjoyed the prestige of being able to say “I put in work and was able to complete this difficult task as a result”.
I no longer raid now because I value my free time more. I have zero desire to schedule my life around a game. Some nights I just might not want to play, or maybe work really took it out of me and I’d rather just go to bed. If raids were a solo endeavor then it wouldn’t be an issue, but I’m not so selfish to subject other people to my whims like that.
I could join/run pugs sure (I’ll stay out of LFR thanks, tried that once before and that was plenty), but without the camaraderie of a set group of people and without pushing the most difficult content there really isn’t much point in it for me. I also don’t find much enjoyment in any of the classes anymore (I miss wrath class design so much) so my desire to spend much time in the game is pretty low too.
This is not really true, unless locks are much more angry than rogues which I doubt. Because we are rogues
But unless someone purposely trolling people seem to be mostly helpful. You have the occasional pricks but the majority is cool.
This angry sim toxic player that people build up in their mind that represents a player who is better than average simply isn’t true. I play keys with 6/8 mythic ny’alotha, I find them occasionally doing 15s in LFG, they are not pricks they are just good players that don’t want to carry bad players. Asking other people in the group to carry their weight doesn’t make you a toxic simming Raider.
Had a raid group in Legion and the start of BfA where we did our AOTC’s and what not. But most of them quit halfway through BfA…so now I just try and pug what I can. I tried to find another “casual” raiding group, but its been annoying. Most already have an established little group already. I’ve joined a couple guilds that were all “looking for raiders! we’re doing this and this and this.” and then once you join, they don’t want to bring you to raids…
Hopefully most of my older raid group comes back in Shadowlands.
Who is pushing an agenda that people shouldn’t raid? I didn’t say that. I was replying to your first sniped post that said the “overwhelming majority of experiences raiding are positive”. That is a sentiment that you pulled out of one place. Your own full moon behind.
There are people that enjoy raiding. More power to them. I won’t stop them.
Don’t expect your own experience to be good without going through a list of bad ones first.
I wanted to revisit this one in particular.
“Google it” is lazy, but “sim it” is a perfectly acceptable response this expansion because of how easily one piece of gear can skew everything.
Nine times out of ten, there isn’t a definitive answer about gearing.
I dont really raid in the sense that I’m with a group of people progressing on boss fights.
I definitely do raids though, I do a heroic clear every week. Might start pugging the first few mythic bosses.
Theres not much really stopping me from doing mythic raiding, other than just not interested/motivated. Kinda like how I dont really push mythic plus eventhough I could definitely do higher keys.
But there is a level of accomplishment of beating a boss after many hard tries that feels really great. That’s what I would raid for, just havent committed yet.
love raiding, hate raiders. thats pretty much it. you are yelled at, debased, and it becomes an incredibly unhealthy pursuit.