Folder Junctions Overwritten

Faizal - it should allow deletion of files, just not of directories.

Mag - create the junction AFTER setting the permissions. If you do it before it still has the old permission set and can be removed.

So where am I setting the permissions? Normally i do mklink /D, how are you creating yours?

Someone posted on my other post that it is a twitch problem, can anyone confirm?

No, it is not Twitch. I set Twitch not to always load, because I don’t want it accidentally overwriting my work while I am building addons.

Happened today, and Twitch was never running since the machine booted.

Corsc - Disclaimer: This is still dangerous if you don’t understand what you’re doing. Also, assumptions: I’m running the latest version of Windows 10 so I don’t know how it works for previous versions if we don’t match.

Open the directory you run mklink in by running “start .” This should bring up explorer in the current working directory. Move one directory up from that, right click on the folder that contains what you normally mklink on, and follow my instructions. In my personal experience, I link the “addons” folder underneath the “Interface” folder. You want to be right clicking on the “Interface” folder.

Follow my instructions above and apply a deny to delete and delete directories, etc. THEN, once you’ve done that, create your mklink as normal. You should then be left in a situation where your newly created link cannot be removed by anyone.

The links have to be created after you create permissions, and I don’t know how to create the same permissions via the command line. I’m a Linux guy at heart so I’m just trying to bend Windows to my will to solve this specific problem. :slight_smile:

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Thanks man. I was putting it on the created symlink folder not the original. WIllt ry this.

Of note: I upgraded two additional PCs to BfA 8.2.5 today. They did NOT delete my symlinks. The two I updated previously are having the problem, but the second 2 are not. I still have 2 more PCs to update later. (Yes, I play in many locations.)

Just throwing in my 2c that it’s also happening here. I use a symlink to link my two account’s WTF folders.

Happened again today.

Yep. It seemed to stop for 2-3 days for me, then happened again today.

I’ve given up on Blizz support, it appears that they don’t give enough of a care to fix this issue, or they’re doing it intentionally.

Here’s a batch file that you can edit to your needs. Just stick it on your desktop when blizzard feels like they want to mess with you:

@echo off

rmdir "C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\AddOns" /S /Q
rmdir "C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF\Account" /S /Q

mklink /D "C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\AddOns" "C:\<User>\Dropbox\AddOns"
mklink /D "C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF\Account" "C:\<User>\Dropbox\Account"

Keep in mind, this will fix both the redirection issues for BOTH Account and AddOns, so if you only have AddOns redirected, remove both lines that reference the Account folder under "_retail_\WTF" (It removes the existing folders quietly that the launcher creates when launching the game)

EDIT: There is functionally no difference between Junction Symlinks and Directory Symlinks in this use case, if you feel like making a junction instead, just swap out the "/D" argument for "/J"

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Same here. Irritating indeed.
I’m redirecting Screenshots, AddOns, and WTF to Dropbox to sync multiple systems I play on. Glad I’m not the only one so maybe this will get some attention from Blizz.

Edit: I just found the deleted links in the recycle bin… restored them and it all works again. Didn’t have to recreate them via command prompt or batch file. Easy enough. I’m still on Win 10 1809. About to update the OS to see if it helps but thinking it’s more of a blizz launcher/updater issue.

Edit#2: Updated Windows to 1903 today, then when I opened the Blizz launcher, it updated WoW, and my folder links disappeared… not to be found in the recycle bin. Had to recreate them… -_-


Just chiming in that I too am annoyed by this issue and have written a batch file to run every time the game updates to fix this problem Blizzard has introduced.

I am less interested in the issue and more interested in understanding if there is a reason as to why the junctions are being overwritten. I do not seem to experience this issue on my Mac, but the PC Laptop and Desktop that I have do have this issue. I use junctions to sync my account and addons across both platforms. If there is an exploit or an unfair advantage that having my addons sync cross platform via a shared cloud resource is introducing, I would much rather hear about it and understand it. I would prefer that to have the launcher just undo the work I’ve put in to make this solution work. I have also created a batch script that I have to run every time on any PC platform for my addons to work again with this solution.

If there is an issue using a preferred cloud platform to sync data than could you at least provide a method of syncing this data through the game’s platform? FFXIV introduced a method of backup and restore to their own servers to sync this type of data or setup. If you are preparing to launch something similar for addons and account data then please let us know and we can be patient.

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Yea still happening. Even the fix Infy suggested hasn’t worked. This is very annoying as they seem to be pushing an update every other day.

I’m in the same boat and also wrote a .bat file similar to @Mindcontrolr. Posting here to add my voice for getting this fixed!

Stopping by to mention that it’s happening to me as well.

I’d like to point out that this does not occur on Mac, only Windows. I have both a Mac install of WoW and Windows. The junctions created on Mac are respected and stay like they always have while the Windows ones are deleted with impunity.

I use this to keep all my addons up to date across both computers and so I can play at either computer (Mac is a desktop, Windows computer is a laptop). I also use it for screenshot backup.

I’m really surprised this isn’t getting any attention. I’d recommend if we don’t see activity on this thread that we put in tickets.

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I HAVE to say, this is a truely obnoxious thing Blizzard has monkeyed with. I have been using junction links, since cata, to organize my multiple accounts, and why this is all of a sudden an issue now, is just baffling!

I attempted Infy’s suggestion first, and while I believe it is a simple/good brute force fix, I found that me, myself, being unable to delete things (without going through the whole trial of changing owners every time) to be annoying.

Like @Mindcontrolr and @Zuub, I have settled for a batch file as a work around. It is a relatively easy solution to an annoying problem on a Windows 10 PC:

mklink /J "C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF\Account\'name of path" "C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF\Account\'where you want to go'"

You can copy the above line as many times as you need, into a .bat file, to create multiple paths, and it will correct Blizzard’s mistake when you run it.

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Heads up, blue post in my thread. Aware of issue, bnet team working on it. Hold off on temp fixes incase it messes with their fix or whatever.

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