Focus was in Vanilla - Please Fix the API

Igotsoul is not trolling. Eloraell does literally want to use it for multiboxing and is just approaching the argument in a much more reasonable direction than before, but to the same end. I still disagree with multiboxing, I still disagree with Eloraell, and I disagree that it’s trolling. At least Igotsoul is shedding some light on the motivation behind Eloraells text.


If they say it wasn’t in vanilla what proof do you have it was in vanilla? Any sources? what do you have to prove this and not just word of mouth if it is such an oversight?

Coding that wasn’t in vanilla shouldn’t be there. period.

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Blizzard bans add-ons, yet because they make money from players multi-boxing, then it’s okay.

Players honestly don’t need any of these things to succeed. If they do, you either suck or lack social so badly you need to play with yourself.



I swear the forum responses are getting even less informed.


Was it focus or was it assist? Personally i dont remember focus as much as i remember assist.

They were literally the same process by different names, under the hood.

Did this come in Patch 2.0.1?

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Yes, Rodrigo had set up Jones, we all just found out recently, but at last we know who ate Cpt.Parkers raspberry cronut, it was Lawrence!

I associate focus with a window more than i did assist.

Did what come in 2.0.1? I did an extensive history of alternate targetting from Vanilla into TBC.

All of that seems to be taken from patch 2.0.1. I don’t see any information regarding this being in 1.12 patch

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Basicly you could create unit ids and use them in macros or addons could use them and the game would recognise what unit you assigned and id to was.
It was used by addons to make focus frames and arena frames.
Later on they blocked the ability to make ids and added the focus id. It did the same thing but you were limited to one thing and it came with its own unit frame.
In classic they got rid of the focus id but dint bring back what it replaced.


It wasnt something i used much so ill leave it to people who are more informed

These kind of API posts are dumb. They’ve changed it on a regular for years. Discussing what’s technically possible with any patch is absurd because you never would have had 12 years to play with it in a sandbox while the game remained unchanged.

I have nver multi-boxed and have no interest in multi-boxing.
So please explain why you feel I should not have access to a focus frame. Keeping in mind that its functions were in vanilla qnd widely used for raiding and pvp.
Your responce should not contain the word multi-box


You quoted the situation “Pre” 2.0. That means “Before 2.0”. The patch before 2.0, is …



It’s funny how a couple of people know more about wow then the devs themselves. If it was in they would left it in so there was a reason they took it out. Anyone saying they are wrong without any information to back it up is incorrect.

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“We welcome your feedback”

This post: Feedback.


If it were why they take it out then? And we all know what pre patch means, the patch that hits before post patch. It’s still 2.0