Flying/Advflying use cases?

I only found out about the “advflying” macro conditional about three weeks before 10.2.5 and the addition of dynamic flight anywhere that static flight existed, so I didn’t get to enjoy my freedom from the old IsUsableSpell/SummonByID macro-clogger for very long, lol.

Now that 10.2.5 IS out, are [advflying] and [flying] essentially identical now? I can’t think of any locations that [flying] would return true but [advflying] wouldn’t, but I might be overlooking something obvious; is there any situation where specifying advflying would be advantageous over saving the three characters?

Bit of an abstract one, I know, but I’ve been gnawing at my keyboard trying to figure out how to teach myself that I have to static fly using a modifier key now and wanted a distraction, heh :stuck_out_tongue:

I did not test this, but here are some potential scenarios that come to mind:

  • Character is under level 60, so no dragonriding anywhere.
  • Tindral Swiftsage boss fight where dragonriding is allowed, but normal flying (or Soar) isn’t.

I wonder about another (admittedly extreme, perhaps silly) edge case of an over-60 character (who therefore knows dragonflying) who never trained conventional riding beyond Journeyman skill and therefore can’t use any form of normal flying mount.

Riding skills are now auto-learned when you level, so there aren’t any level 30+ characters without flying anymore.

Ok, so that’s an impossible hypothetical. One off the list, I guess.

Nokhud Offensive may be another and is likely to return in S4.

I use advflying to show the actionbar that the abilities page to (page 11). Normally it’s hidden OoC and no target. But with [mounted,advflying] I can see the bound keys. Then I use the inverse to hide combat related actionbars.

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